Discussion topic: I’m having trouble paying all my bills at the

This message was authored by Lesleyann123 This message was authored by: Lesleyann123

I’m having trouble paying all my bills at the


having trouble paying bills at the moment. 
mum trying to seek help with debt management. I'm waiting for a doctors appointment this week to seek help regarding my mental health. I'm trying to get my finances sorted. But 80 pound a month is not so able for me at the moment. Is there anyway you can help with those please. 
many thanks 

Best Answers
This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210 Answer

Re: I’m having trouble paying all my bills at the

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

We are customers like you @Lesleyann123 Perhaps ring Sky and see if you are able to reduce your package (if out of contract). Otherwise, if your services are not yet restricted, if you normally pay by Direct Debit and it fails on the normal due date, Sky will try again 10 calendar days later. If that also fails an automated process starts whereby your services start being restricted. We’ve been told that Skys Customer Service agents can’t stop that automated process.
We’ve also been told Sky don’t allow payment plans (except on a legitimately closed account) or promises to pay.

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This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210 Answer

Re: I’m having trouble paying all my bills at the

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

We are customers like you @Lesleyann123 Perhaps ring Sky and see if you are able to reduce your package (if out of contract). Otherwise, if your services are not yet restricted, if you normally pay by Direct Debit and it fails on the normal due date, Sky will try again 10 calendar days later. If that also fails an automated process starts whereby your services start being restricted. We’ve been told that Skys Customer Service agents can’t stop that automated process.
We’ve also been told Sky don’t allow payment plans (except on a legitimately closed account) or promises to pay.

▪️I AM NOT A SKY EMPLOYEE (undercover or otherwise) ▪️
Sky customer since 2001
with: Sky Q | Sky Superfast Broadband | Sky Talk | Sky Mobile
NOTE: I only provide help on the forums and NOT via PM
This message was authored by Marley1908 This message was authored by: Marley1908

Re: I’m having trouble paying all my bills at the

Hi I have just rang up 

Due to card being scammed and its empty are account .the bank saying we should get it back by the 9th of September. So I change my direct debit .cause I want to be cut off .cause I payed my bill on time .the card was scammed and 1400 was takin out of are account .so it left us with nothing so I had to let all the company I have direct with 


This message was authored by SKY1992bf This message was authored by: SKY1992bf

Re: I’m having trouble paying all my bills at the

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Marley1908 If you have a continuous payment method and first attempt fails Sky will automatically retry 10 calendar days later (so don't make a manual payment unless Sky requests you too) if that second attempt fails an automatic process of restrictions will kick in (which we've been told can't be overriden by sky cs agents)starting with tv followed a few days later by broadband if sky is your isp

if restrictions are imposed they won't be lifted until the outstanding payment is paid in full and a new continuous payment method is setup

Note: if you don’t have a continuous payment setup the 10 day grace period does not apply and therefore unless full payment due is showing as credit on your account by payment due date restrictions will be applied almost instantly

Please note: I am just a sky customer not a employee - posts from sky employees are clearly marked as such
my setup: Samsung 5 series 32inc tv | sky +hd box | variety, SKY & TNT sports,sky cinema | Netflix and prime video
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This message was authored by Scoobydoo1964 This message was authored by: Scoobydoo1964

Re: I’m having trouble paying all my bills at the


I'm having trouble paying my bill this month but will be able to pay next month for this month Sepy and Oct would this be possible?

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: I’m having trouble paying all my bills at the

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

We are customers so all we can say is if the bill isn't paid then your services might be suspended until the bill is paid in full.

If someone has helped you then please click on the LIKES button in their post.
If you need help please provide as much information as you can
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: I’m having trouble paying all my bills at the

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Scoobydoo1964 wrote:

I'm having trouble paying my bill this month but will be able to pay next month for this month Sepy and Oct would this be possible?

As per the previous replies, you'll need to give Sky a call to see if they can help.

This message was authored by AIDENSOPHIE17 This message was authored by: AIDENSOPHIE17

Re: I’m having trouble paying all my bills at the

Hi im looking to pay my bill this friday and dont want my services cut off . Will that be ok ?

This message was authored by SKY1992bf This message was authored by: SKY1992bf

Re: I’m having trouble paying all my bills at the

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Hi im looking to pay my bill this friday and dont want my services cut off . Will that be ok ?

@AIDENSOPHIE17 If you have a continuous payment method setup (direct debit or card) and first attempt fails Sky will automatically retry 10 calendar days later (so don't make a manual payment unless Sky requests you too) if that second attempt fails an automatic process of restrictions will kick in (which we've been told can't be overriden by sky cs agents) starting with tv followed a few days later by broadband if sky is your isp

if restrictions are imposed they won't be lifted until the outstanding payment is paid in full and a new continuous payment method is setup

Note: if you don’t have a continuous payment setup the 10 day grace period does not apply and therefore unless full payment due is showing as credit on your account by payment due date restrictions will be applied almost instantly

also note sky do payment plans or promises to pay on active accounts I’m afraid

Please note: I am just a sky customer not a employee - posts from sky employees are clearly marked as such
my setup: Samsung 5 series 32inc tv | sky +hd box | variety, SKY & TNT sports,sky cinema | Netflix and prime video
Please note: I only provide help on the main forums and not via PM
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This message was authored by AIDENSOPHIE17 This message was authored by: AIDENSOPHIE17

Re: I’m having trouble paying all my bills at the

Hi ive paid 17 pound today i was told if i pay another 10 pounds it wont get resticted is this corret

This message was authored by SKY1992bf This message was authored by: SKY1992bf

Re: I’m having trouble paying all my bills at the

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Hi ive paid 17 pound today i was told if i pay another 10 pounds it wont get resticted is this corret

@AIDENSOPHIE17  No, only full payment will prevent restrictions I'm afraid 

Please note: I am just a sky customer not a employee - posts from sky employees are clearly marked as such
my setup: Samsung 5 series 32inc tv | sky +hd box | variety, SKY & TNT sports,sky cinema | Netflix and prime video
Please note: I only provide help on the main forums and not via PM
if this post has helped please give it a like ~ if this post has solved your question/query please mark it as the answer in order to help others

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This message was authored by AIDENSOPHIE17 This message was authored by: AIDENSOPHIE17

Re: I’m having trouble paying all my bills at the

And much is that ive got to pay

This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: I’m having trouble paying all my bills at the

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Sky will try again 10 calendar days later. If that also fails an automated process starts whereby your services start being restricted. We’ve been told that Skys Customer Service agents can’t stop that automated process (doesn't matter what they may tell you). We’ve also been told Sky don’t allow payment plans (except on a legitimately closed account) or promises to pay.

If your services end up being restricted you will have to pay what you owe in full before they are reinstated.

▪️I AM NOT A SKY EMPLOYEE (undercover or otherwise) ▪️
Sky customer since 2001
with: Sky Q | Sky Superfast Broadband | Sky Talk | Sky Mobile
NOTE: I only provide help on the forums and NOT via PM

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