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01 Jan 2020 07:35 PM
Prefer to have a reminder option, especially for live sports, can't see how removing it is technology going forwards...?
03 Jan 2020 12:25 AM
I agree I really miss this feature
03 Jan 2020 09:56 PM
please can we have the ability to set reminders on Sky Q
05 Jan 2020 05:21 PM
The problem is that the Sky community is effectively closed off to the outside world. The number of people who read the community posts or leave messages on the community are but a very small percentage of the total number of Sky subscribers. To get this type of message to the attention of Sky and its owner, the message needs to be out there on the wider social media stage. I must admit, personally speaking and in order to avoid programmes I don't want to miss, I use my smart phone to either set recurring reminders in a dedicated App or put recurring entries into the calendar. I do this mainly because I find the series link function to be a little hit and miss. I can, however, understand that to have this functionality as part of the sky experience would be more convenient in many ways.
08 Jan 2020 07:38 PM
Please bring back the reminder function it's driving me crazy,you advertise up coming programs so it's great to plan your days viewing
10 Jan 2020 06:54 PM
It is absolutely ridiculous to remove the reminder function and even more so to say people would rather record a program then watch it later. We don't want to that, we just want to watch something live and not have to try and remember when it is on and on which channel.
Very bad of Sky.
I like the comment someone else made about Sky pushing people to record something even if they then delete because that shows up in viewing fiures, if true then very cynical of Sky.
11 Jan 2020 07:49 PM
I emailed Jeremy Darroch Sky Chief Executive about all our comments on here on the 31st December, I was told I'd receive a reply in approximately 7 days... I've not had a reply yet! Somehow I knew I wouldn't!
12 Jan 2020 08:13 PM
I received this reply to my email today:
Dear Ms Marlowe
Thank you very much for getting in contact with us.
We appreciate all customer feedback as this is what allows Sky to grow as a business.
In regards to the remind feature it may be something that is introduced at a later date.
Should you have any questions regarding our content in the future you can contact our viewer relations team on 03442 410265
Kind Regards
Customer Priority
14 Jan 2020 08:52 PM
This is from the Sky Q team:
Further to your email regarding ht e reminder facility , we have now received confirmation that this services will not be coming to Sky Q due to the increased recording capabilities, am sorry that this may be disappointing to hear, but thank you for your comments, and we will feed back to the business on your behalf.
14 Jan 2020 09:38 PM - last edited: 14 Jan 2020 09:39 PM
It seems the SKY Q team don't understand the difference between being reminded that a program is about to start and recording it to watch later. So, to remind yourself about a program you have to remember to look to see if it is being recorded.. How about flashing up a reminder that a program is about to be recorded ?
It really makes you wonder if Sky are actually bothered about making the system work the way people would like.
Could the Sky Q team tell us if is not technically feasible or just that they don't want to do it.
Perhaps it is time to look at alternatives to Sky as that will be the only way they may change things if they start loosing customers. If any asks me about using Sky I'll be sure about stressing the lack of a reminder facility.
14 Jan 2020 10:06 PM
Sky explained that they have replaced the reminder feature on Sky Q with more recording options. A reminded to watch a programme and recording a programme are completely two different features. Clearly a lot of customers want this feature so bring it back.
15 Jan 2020 05:42 PM
I finally got the reminder feature working on my Sky Q box.
Thanks Alexa.
15 Jan 2020 06:36 PM
Bob Kent. How did you do it?
15 Jan 2020 06:38 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreIf there is a way we would all like to know how as if you can this idea has no purpose and many of us are wrong.
15 Jan 2020 06:41 PM
It was a joke / work around.. ask Alexa to tell you when a program starts.
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