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22 Nov 2019 11:01 AM
the more i look around the internat and listen to people who have Sky Q.
everyone misses reminders and have been saying so since it was first released
Obviously Sky know best and the customers dont know what they are on about
I come back to the Alleged survey which was so vigorously defended and classed as top secret from my original post,
I would love to know how many and what social group was surveyed ... as no one i have spoken to or read posts from would have suggested reminders were not needed
Sky HD will be back in my household soon, so no more missed live sporting events that sky invest so heavily in.. there viewing count will go back up by 1
22 Nov 2019 12:25 PM
I also found the reminder feature a useful tool, and share the disappointment of other commentators that this feature is missing from Sky Q. As another 'older' user it was something I made use of on a regular basis, since I could plan ahead on the programme guide rather than having to scroll through the guide to find a programme to record. I had thought of Sky Q as a 'upgrade' but, now I'm not so sure, there's no hard copy user guide, and for those who are technology challenged the new system is taking some getting used to.
22 Nov 2019 07:29 PM
Please please please bring back the reminder option for watching a program starting later. I used it very often. I don’t want to record everything, just watch it when it’s on. I understand many may not have used the reminder function but we all have our ways we like to watch tv. It’s a big loss to me and my daughters who are quite happy sitting on the sofa on their phones etc sometimes, but we’re instantly ready to watch something we all wanted to watch as soo.n as the reminder popped up. Do the right thing and bring it back sky.
26 Nov 2019 08:16 PM - last edited: 26 Nov 2019 08:28 PM
We have just, so called, " up graded" to SkyQ only to find the most useful reminder button is no longer available. There are only two of us in the house and we're getting on a bit so having the ability to remind us when our favourite programmes were coming on was important to us. This is a retrograde step and I wish I hadn't "down graded" to SkyQ. Please bring it back.
P.S Why isn't the fact that there is no reminder button advertised before people like me have SkyQ installed. Is this deliberate I ask myself?
29 Nov 2019 02:20 PM
Loving Sky Q but so disappointed that the Reminder function hasn't been included....
29 Nov 2019 06:10 PM
I really dislike a lot of the stuff on Q. Why did they break something which didn't need fixing. Like some of the other comments above, we used this a lot, and was very disappointed to find it's gone. I realise we can 'just record it', but that's not the same. I hope this can be brought back.
Andrew Hirst.
30 Nov 2019 08:28 PM
Really surprised and disappointed that the REMINDER option isn't available on my new Q boxes.
We used it all the time on the old HD box and can't understand why it isn't still there!
03 Dec 2019 10:22 AM
When will Sky Q bring this to the box?
03 Dec 2019 10:51 AM
A bit more familiar with the new Sky Q. Now takes four key presses to get to program list instead of just one. Always goes to start of channel list instead of current channel. Also find with the button positions I have to reposition the control in my hand once the channel list has been selected to move up and down. Handset would be much more user friendly in my opinion if the Vol/Ch buttons were either side of the cursor keys. When Information button pressed it does not remove info screen but brings up another so if you use info another button is needed to dismiss. This is also a "feature" of quite a few keys when on most remotes pressing the same button twice either dismisses option selected or proceeds to advanced function. Left arrow button takes you back to the start of the menu. Why not allow one more press to close menu instead of having to change to the dismiss button.
Found a good funtion! Pressing the right arrow displays the last channel watched at bottom of screen which can be selected with select button to swap channels.
Sorry if some or all of these sound trivial to some people but this is the sort of thing had any reasearch been done into what people find useful on a remote would have thrown up.
05 Dec 2019 06:36 PM
Badly missed and essential function
07 Dec 2019 02:05 PM
Please bring back the reminder. I like to watch programmes when they are on and have missed no end of programmes because I forgot they where on
07 Dec 2019 05:00 PM
Just upgraded to Q and am bitterly disappointed that the reminder option is no longer available. I used it all the time, I don't want to record everything, just want to know when it's about to start if I'm watching something else. Although fantastic in many ways (apart from getting used to scrolling 'down' to go 'up' the channel list.) I do miss this very handy feature.
Bring it back!
07 Dec 2019 08:43 PM
Be great to see this feature return, I'm forever forgetting what's on what channel and when if I don't remember to set a series link...
08 Dec 2019 11:36 AM
I have justchanged to Sky Q from SKY +HD and a feature I used a lot was the reminder facility as I watch a lot of sport , can SKY look into making a remind faclity part of the package Thanks
08 Dec 2019 05:48 PM
I understand that people want to just record, but there is people out there that would like to keep the reminder app on there too , had i known this beforehand I would not have bothered with Sky Q.
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