Discussion topic: Cobra episodes "no longer available"


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This message was authored by Vincent+Vega This message was authored by: Vincent+Vega

Re: Cobra episodes "no longer available"

Fair enough if they are insensitive but don't just 'pull' the last three episodes and still keep it on the 'Top 10 this week' for all to view. 

This message was authored by mbmaz77 This message was authored by: mbmaz77

Re: Cobra episodes "no longer available"

it's not all about us* - yes, we are capable of making our own choices - but, having seen the relevant ep. before it was pulled, I understand - the similarities - not just what I mentioned about it a while ago - but there was more - are pretty stark - 
*it is showing respect to **others** who are friends and family of the murdered MP - they watch TV too, I am sure -  they will need distractions (as anyone who has been bereaved knows).
For myself, I watched via Now TV Entertainment on a reduced price for 2 months - so I might not be able to see the rest of the eps before that runs out - if so - so be it..
People who have been bereaved in this way come first

This message was authored by Aside1234 This message was authored by: Aside1234

Re: Cobra episodes "no longer available"

This is absolutely ridiculous sky is loosing credit first off FOX hose not well publicised then repeat after repeat of old films , ok Covid played a part but sky has lost the respect of bring new great films now your telling me you will decide what's best for me well B$€€#ks 

put a warning on at the start of the programme but don't just play three then take it away 

# vote with remote and just stop watching sky Netflix Amazon much better and cheaper 

This message was authored by Gregch This message was authored by: Gregch

Re: Cobra episodes "no longer available"

That might make sense - and of course it's good to be respectful - if we were talking about a broadcast programme that people might happen across. But we're not. We're talking about removing episodes from an 'on demand' service. In other words, you actively choose to download and view the episodes.


A simple content warning would surely be enough to avoid those affected from happening across the offending episode. Come to that, if Sky genuinely wanted to show respect, they could stop *actively promoting* the series and remove the whole thing for the time being.


Of course Sky are actually much more interested in making money, so they want to continue driving viewer numbers (boosting the market value of their series) even if those viewers later find out they can't see the full series because Sky also want to pay lip service to being respectful and cover their backside in case of complaints. It's inconsistent and insincere.



As an aside: it's notable that those defending Sky's decision also just happen to be the same people who've already been able to watch the whole thing so they aren't affected - they've seen it themselves, but they think other people shouldn't be allowed to.

This message was authored by fatcatsbythesea This message was authored by: fatcatsbythesea

Re: Cobra episodes "no longer available"

I totally "get" the sensitivies re the relatives etc. Its a dreadful thing to have happened....BUT, worse things happen in our daily lives and we dont pull all the episodes, if we did there would be nothing to watch. I could go on !! perhaps they should have taken the new Bond film out of the cinemas or Dune? this needs to be put into perspective.

This message was authored by Scampo999 This message was authored by: Scampo999

Re: Cobra episodes "no longer available"

I appreciate that the death of an MP is unfortunate but it is no reason to suspend the series.  I saw a dead deer and a hedgehog by the road the other day but I can still watch Bambi and Sonic.  

This message was authored by Kei+M This message was authored by: Kei+M Answer

Re: Cobra episodes "no longer available"

In light of recent events, we temporarily removed episodes of COBRA: Cyberwar.  We have now edited the episodes, and they will be readded today at some point (22nd Oct).  The series is, of course, dramatised and is not based on real life events or on any real government officials. 



Community Manager

This message was authored by mbmaz77 This message was authored by: mbmaz77

Re: Cobra episodes "no longer available"

thanks @Kei+M 

Just to clarify, to whoever mentioned it.. re. my previous post I understood the reason why the eps were removed, *but I hadn't watched them all,* even though I had seen the scene (ep 4 or 5) that was probably to do with the main issue --

This message was authored by Leigh+Gow This message was authored by: Leigh+Gow

Re: Cobra episodes "no longer available"

Is this correct? The episodes aren't available and Sky Twitter is still saying they don't know when they will return?

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Cobra episodes "no longer available"

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Leigh+Gow wrote:

Is this correct? The episodes aren't available and Sky Twitter is still saying they don't know when they will return?

Today isn't over yet 🙂

Maybe they'll turn up later.

This message was authored by Leigh+Gow This message was authored by: Leigh+Gow

Re: Cobra episodes "no longer available"

I've just gone to the TV guide and it's the first top pick, says new episodes available! But no, still only 3 episodes available. Got all excited then...

This message was authored by grissom007 This message was authored by: grissom007

Cobra Cyberwar

I downloaded the Cobra Cyberwar series 2 from Sky Max but only got episodes 1,2 and 3 how can I get 4,5 and 6

This message was authored by Gregch This message was authored by: Gregch

Re: Cobra episodes "no longer available"

Yep, same here - says "new episodes available" but still only eps 1-3. Sky have really ballsed up this whole thing. 

This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Cobra Cyberwar

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@grissom007  Huge thread about it here https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/What-s-On/Cobra-episodes-quot-no-longer-available-quot/td-p/3795840

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
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This message was authored by Disappointedcisto This message was authored by: Disappointedcisto

Re: Cobra episodes "no longer available"

All cobra season 2 are available on Now TV 


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