Discussion topic: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020


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This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@DissatisfiedDub wrote:

I will be complaining tomorrow -- when normal business hours resume.

Why wait?


How to make a complaint to sky: Sky Customer Complaints Code of Practice

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@DissatisfiedDub wrote:

I will be complaining tomorrow -- when normal business hours resume.

No need to wait. Sky's normal business hours include Sunday.

This message was authored by DissatisfiedDub This message was authored by: DissatisfiedDub

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020


This message was authored by DissatisfiedDub This message was authored by: DissatisfiedDub

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Sunday Isn't a Normal business hour to me, Mr. Sky

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@DissatisfiedDub wrote:


Not gone anywhere, they are still accessibile.

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by Bocht This message was authored by: Bocht

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Hi Dissatisfied Dub

You are wasting your time  trying to fight big corporations and their representatives 🙄

This message was authored by plymouthbloke This message was authored by: plymouthbloke

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020


Sky don't have the monopoly on satellite boxes you know?


You can access BBC1 etc in Ireland on satellite without a Sky box. Just buy a Free-to-Air satellite receiver. They're perfectly legal and easy to set up. You'll even get back the channels you recently lost in Ireland.


If you don't pay your Sky bill, yes they'll cut your channels off....BUT ONLY THE ONES YOU PAY FOR!!! All the free ones will still be there......

Good luck complaining to Sky... please do let us know how you get on..... although I can already guess what the response will be 😉

PS: Not a Sky employee. Never have been and never will be. I just like to correct inaccuracies.

This message was authored by Bocht This message was authored by: Bocht

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Interesting general point regarding people behaving like sheep. When you register for this you are instructed to address a person by using @ system,  God forbid Hi, Hello or Good morning. Nothing personal against anyone and surely not an important issue but intriguing how everyone obeys like sheep 🤣

It can be seen in so many walks of life so please stay independent and don't allow big brothers to tell you how to address another human being!

This message was authored by Andymc2000 This message was authored by: Andymc2000

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Sky have missed a trick here, I would happily pay an additional fee for ITV1,2,3,4, Encore HD. I would pay for access to Iplayer through the sky box, and the additional music channels, the BBC radio channels and Channel 5's network of stations accessible through the sky guide and recordable.

lets face it, channel 4 HD is part of Virgin Media's package here, the BBC radio stations are also there so there is very little reason why they can't add them as part of the pay system.


Sky have missed the boat with the lockdown, they should have organised some live concert performances, I would have paid €100 to see a live Bruce Springsteen performance on Sky Arts, or televised a festival like Glastonbury!


This message was authored by rebeccag85 This message was authored by: rebeccag85

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Thats  a fair enough reply to the question but why are we still paying full price for subscription that included all of them radio channels and music channels ? 

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@rebeccag85 wrote:

Thats  a fair enough reply to the question but why are we still paying full price for subscription that included all of them radio channels and music channels ? 

Just because a channel is available on skys EPG that does not automatically mean you're paying for them in your monthly subscription charge, lots of channels are FREE non-subscription, as were the recent music channels

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

@rebeccag85 wrote:

Thats  a fair enough reply to the question but why are we still paying full price for subscription that included all of them radio channels and music channels ? 

I'm assuming you are referring to the music and radio (and a few news) channels being removed in Ireland. 

Sky subscribers pay for premium channels. As an example; MTV music channels are premium channels. 

The music and radio channels that were removed is down to the individual broadcaster opting to only hold a UK licence and not obtain and Irish/EU licence. The channels removed HAD to be removed as they have no right broadcasting in Ireland at this moment. 

This message was authored by Dubgirlx This message was authored by: Dubgirlx

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Hi I'm wondering why they are getting rid of lifetime channel. I'm in ireland not the uk

Anyone got any information

Would be great thanks 



This message was authored by nolte This message was authored by: nolte

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Lifetime closed permanently in UK and ireland



ROI sky Q Customer.
If you have questions about Sky, please post on the forums and do not send me private messages about them. I'm only a customer like you.
This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Dubgirlx wrote:

I'm wondering why they are getting rid of lifetime channel. I'm in ireland not the uk

Lifetime will close down in the UK, Ireland and Malta on February 28, we can confirm


The channel - a joint venture between A&E and Sky in the UK - launched more than seven years ago as a replacement for The Biography Channel, offering programming such as Little Women and The Real Housewives franchise.

According to the latest data from BARB, Lifetime has an average audience share of just 0.03%, lagging significantly behind sister channels Blaze (0.29%), Sky History (0.22%) and Crime+Investigation (0.16%).

A spokesperson told Media Mole: "AETN UK will close its TV channel Lifetime across the UK, Ireland, and Malta, on both linear and non-linear platforms on 1st March 2021





* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2

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