Discussion topic: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020


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This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Talkingpj wrote:

Mark39 'In short - take it up with the channel owners. It's their responsibility, not Sky's.'


Of course its sky reaponsibility. They sell based on channels and vatiety. They could pay licenses or refund. Irish customers always massively charged v uk cuatomers. Sky do zero for irish customers bar ripping them off. 

Sky don't sell the Free To Air channels the clue is in the name


If you feel you're being ripped off then why are you sill paying for Sky, that is illogical in my mind

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by Talkingpj This message was authored by: Talkingpj

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

free to air is in the uk. In ireland you buy a sky subscription for a range of channels

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Talkingpj wrote:

free to air is in the uk. In ireland you buy a sky subscription for a range of channels

You don't buy FTA channels regardless as they are free even in Ireland, you can still get the channels on your Sky box or by using a Freesat box, read the previous posts for how to access them


If they were subscription (purchased) channels they would be encrypted and you'd not be able to still get them

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by Talkingpj This message was authored by: Talkingpj

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Why are all the uk viewers sticking in their oar. This does not affect you. Are you all sky employees? Your partasian views are no help and as you are not affected it has no consequences to you what so ever. We pay more for sky in ireland and recieve a poor service and less channels. We are entitled to be annoyed. 

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Talkingpj wrote:

Why are all the uk viewers sticking in their oar. This does not affect you. Are you all sky employees? Your partasian views are no help and as you are not affected it has no consequences to you what so ever. We pay more for sky in ireland and recieve a poor service and less channels. We are entitled to be annoyed. 

The answer to that is CLEARLY shown on every one of my posts


You can be annoyed but also we are allowed to explain why people should point their annoyance to the correct places for the correct reasons

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by plymouthbloke This message was authored by: plymouthbloke

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Really? I'd love to add BT Sport and Premier Sport to my Sky Pack for €10 a month (£8.99 UK) - we have to pay £35 a month for both in the UK, so we don't have it all cheaper actually so get your facts right. Plus, regardless of where we live, we are also entitled to tell you that you've go no rights to a refund or reduction as those channels are free!

This message was authored by Talkingpj This message was authored by: Talkingpj

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Bt and premier sports is a one time offer that increases to your price after one year. It is only 10 euros for 6 months increasing to 20 after 6 months. A sky package in ireland is 50% higher in general compared to the uk. There is no equality and sky have overcharged irish viewers always. I have spent thousands more on my service and will still pay more despite it being inferior to yours. Because sky is a satellite service this is completely unjustified. It is not like there are increased costs due to infrastructure etc. It is clear price fixing. 

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Talkingpj wrote:

We pay more for sky in ireland and recieve a poor service and less channels. We are entitled to be annoyed. 

If you don't think you're getting value for money, cancel. That applies whether you're an Irish viewer or a UK viewer.

This message was authored by Talkingpj This message was authored by: Talkingpj

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Thats might be fine in the uk where there are other options. Sky have a monopoly in most of ireland hence the price fixing. I could choose to cancel and get a pirate service like many others. But i believe in paying for services and protecting jobs. However i also believe in fairness. There is no fairness in how the sky corporation treats customers in the UK compared to Ireland. 

This message was authored by plymouthbloke This message was authored by: plymouthbloke

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

If you feel your Sky sub is far more expensive than the UK, you can't just blame Sky - joining the Euro didn't help you either. But regardless, Sky have absolutely NO control on what channels wish to broadcast on their platform. Tune these channels in manually, get a FTA box to pick them up, or cancel altogether. Do whatever you want but that fact is that the channels are not coming back to the Irish Sky EPG so stop going on about it as it's not going to change.

This message was authored by P-Tnov This message was authored by: P-Tnov

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Thanks Sky

This message was authored by 6rarerabbits This message was authored by: 6rarerabbits

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Jaysus! On and on and on! If you don't like the service, stop paying for it. It's a choice you make. You're an adult and you're free to make these decisions. The Plymouth contributor has explained to, as nauseum, that this is NOT Sky's fault. Now, stop griping and go elsewhere if you're not happy.

This message was authored by DanceMusicFan86 This message was authored by: DanceMusicFan86

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

@TalkingpjThis forum is open to all Sky Customers You pay more for Sky in Ireland so what more fool you for continuing paying for it with less channels don't like what services you are getting cancel its what any normal person would do instead of moaning on the Sky forums 

This message was authored by Emmet+John This message was authored by: Emmet+John

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

RT was on freeview in Ireland on 26-12-2020 but not on sky in Ireland.

This message was authored by nolte This message was authored by: nolte

Re: Changes to the Sky TV guide - December 2020

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Is it a part of Saorview or is it available  just an overflow of the signal from the UK?


Looking at saorview website, it appears the later

ROI sky Q Customer.
If you have questions about Sky, please post on the forums and do not send me private messages about them. I'm only a customer like you.

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