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22 Oct 2021 10:18 AM
I'm moving my TV about 5m from the wall sockets for sky cables and aerial coax input into the room. I believe I can leave the Q box where it is by the incoming sockets because it works on Bluetooth and therefore doesn't need line of sight with the remote. However we need to run the cables under the carpet around the room with limited space. Three questions. Can I run 5m of standard hdmi cable without degradation so I can still watch UHD or do I need a different type of hdmi cable. Secondly, is it better to convert the coax to hdmi and run that to the tv or stick with coax. Finally, is it possible to run a single cable that takes the signal from the Q box and the converted coax from the aerial. If so I'd be grateful to know what cable I need. Many thanks
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22 Oct 2021 11:28 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreHi @Rattle65 Probably the best solution is to extend the satellite cables, cheap and readily available on Amazon. Just search for satellite cable extension. The recommended maximin passive HDMI length for UHD is 3m.
22 Oct 2021 11:34 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out morehi @Rattle65 I just wanted to add to what @MightyQuinn has said that, assuming you have your dish, then the coax cables must be both rather than a single cable, as each cable carries the different polarised channels (i.e. one for Horizontal & the other for Vertical)
23 Oct 2021 07:54 AM
You can find flat coaxial cable on Amazon for running under carpets. Not used it but appears to work OK.
23 Oct 2021 08:16 AM - last edited: 23 Oct 2021 08:29 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more@Rattle65 to clarify you can easily extend satellite cables with the right grade of cable but you cannot easily extend HDMI cables especially if you watch in UHD as once you go over 5m you start to need active cables and while with the right kit you can send HDMI signals over ethernet cables but you cant over coax and you are talking serious money. HDMI cables are thick for a reason they contain multiple cores and screens as they carry high very speed data.
Do not try to run either satellite cables or HDMI lesds under carpets as they will be a trip hazard and the cables will be damaged. The signals from the dish are very high freqency so require high quality coax cables and. I would be very suspicious of flat coax. Speaker cables can be flat and run under carpets in areas nor subject to wear but not what you are proposing.
23 Oct 2021 09:02 AM
Thank you all for your responses. It sounds like trying to relocate the TV in the room is more problematic than I'd hoped. Forgetting the coax cable. If Its not recommended to run the two satellite cables under the carpet is there a wireless solution for Sky Q that would work over 5m in the same room from the incoming socket on the wall to the TV on the other side of the room. If it makes a difference I have the option to locate the Q box at either end.
23 Oct 2021 09:46 AM
You can search online for a wireless HDMI extender but I think most are limited to HD and cost around the £150 mark. I had one for a while and it worked quite well. Picture quality was excellent with very occasional breakup of the wifi signal.
But notwithstanding @Chrisee's sound advice, you could find out for peanuts if flat coaxial cable works for you and if it does, run it underneath the edge of a carpet so that it's unlikely to be stepped on.
23 Oct 2021 05:25 PM
Many thanks, @Q-tips I'll look at both suggestions
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