Discussion topic: if i make a payment to my account will this reduce the direct debit to be taken later in the month

This message was authored by AnnTonge This message was authored by: AnnTonge

if i make a payment to my account will this reduce the direct debit to be taken later in the month

I have recently renewed my contract but this month bill is only £30 but next month is nearly double my usual amount.  Can I make an extra payment of the difference to normal payment to my account and will this reduce my end of month Direct Debit?


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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: if i make a payment to my account will this reduce the direct debit to be taken later in the mon

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Yes you can do that. Your next bill will take account of the overpayment providing the additional funds are in your Sky account by the time your next bill is generated- that's two weeks before your normal payment date.


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