Discussion topic: Sky Sports packages and cover - advice needed

This message was authored by MrUdagawa This message was authored by: MrUdagawa

Sky Sports packages and cover - advice needed

Hi folks,  doing this on behalf of my elderly mother who is a big sports fan and I'm just looking for a little advice before I brave the Sky phone negotiation system (which I find tedious)


Currently paying  a total of £40.50 for Sky Signature and Premier league only channels.


Sky Signature package - paying £24.50 


Sky Sports 1 pack - paying £16


I would like to add/include the full Sky Sports package. Can anyone tell me what I should reasonably expect to pay? Because a lot of what Sky offers seems to be base on negotiationg and haggling over the phone I find it quite hard to tell when I am or aren't being ripped off with the various packages.


Many thanks



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This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Sky Sports packages and cover - advice needed

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


I believe the undiscounted price for the full Sports package is currently £33 (for a new customer). The onus is on you (presuming you have authority to speak to Sky on behalf of your Mum who is the account holder) to negotiate a discount which will involve agreeing a 24 month deal. 

edit- as you'd originally posted in the Sky+ board I presume that's the service she has. Sky will almost certainly try to convince her to upgrade to Sky Q, where a better discount may be available. 

▪️I AM NOT A SKY EMPLOYEE (undercover or otherwise) ▪️
Sky customer since 2001
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Topic Author
This message was authored by MrUdagawa This message was authored by: MrUdagawa

Re: Sky Sports packages and cover - advice needed

Thank you, appreciate it.

As a side note, I hate how Sky has a smoke and mirrors system of the 'onus is on you' to renogiate. I feel their pricing system should just be clear. 


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