Discussion topic: Sky ID bereavement

This message was authored by Bainy1 This message was authored by: Bainy1

Sky ID bereavement

Please can someone help and make this easy.

My Dad sadly passed away a few weeks ago, he was the main account holder. I have helped my Mum transfer to take control of the bills but Sky has been a complete nightmare. I have a rang and thought that my problem was being solved but then when I have tried to click to create a Sky id, my Mum already has a Sky email but doesn't know the password or memorable date.


We were told this morning that she would need to create a new email account to set up Sky id which is distressing for her due to the bereavement and age. She is not good with technology and it seems an absolute faff when someone is grieving. So for now she is logged in under my Dads id for Netflix - after having to log into his emails to have the password reset.


Someone please tell me that there is a painless way to solve this?


I am at the point of cancelling everything - she only watches terrestrial tv and Netflix and this is an utter stress she does not need.


Since making a phone call last night she has had over 12 emails, she doesn't even know which one is current.


Best Answers
This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: Sky ID bereavement

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Sorry for your loss.


Have you spoken to the specialist team at Sky with regards to reporting the passing of your Dad as they might then be able to help you with this.


They can be contacted via the options at the bottom of this page:


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