Discussion topic: Returning Broadband router to SKY

This message was authored by Getitright This message was authored by: Getitright

Returning Broadband router to SKY

I received a cardboard envelope 240mm x 380mm x 5mm with a request to return my Broadband router, power supply and any cables.

Just curious am I supposed to use a sledge-hammer to flatten the equipment to fit in the envelope or is somebody at SKY completely oblivious to the actual size of these components.

Please SKY you must have gone through a similar exercise 1000's of times; surely this is not for real?


All Replies

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Returning Broadband router to SKY

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Use your own packaging if you have something more suitable, or give Sky a call. If Sky see your post here, they won't know who you are.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Getitright This message was authored by: Getitright

Re: Returning Broadband router to SKY

Thanks. I assume as I had to sign in then SKY would know who I was. However, it is all sorted now.


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