Discussion topic: Re: Refund

This message was authored by RedDragon This message was authored by: RedDragon

Re: Refund

I think Sky are THE most unhelpful company I've ever dealt with when it comes to refunds. Since 11th April '24 when I first called to cancel my service I've spoken to no fewer than 12 representatives in addition to online chats. I've been assured that yes I am due a refund on both my TV and mobile service and on several times been told it should take up to 5 working days yet here I am still waiting. I agreed a temination date of 27th May for TV service and immediately after getting off that call got an e-mail acknowledging the termination but showing 27th June as the last day. I think I've finally got that sorted but despite all their promises I'm still waiting for my money. They've done a partial refund on 3 separate occassions but I'm still owed just over £51. It may not be much to Sky but I'd rather it be in my bank account than their's.  Funny that my water company could cancel my account and have a refund back in my account 2 days later but Sky can't manage similar. I think it's more that they don't want to. I've even had conflicting information with one associate telling me I can't get a refund until the next billing cycle and another telling me that yes, a manager can authorise it, they'll refer it to one and they should deal with the request that day or the next and be in touch and that I should get a refund 3-5 days later. Funnily enough I never did get confirmation from said manager allthough it's only day 3 so what should I expect?  I've moved into a house which already had sky but if I ever move again I doubt very much if I would subscribe to Sky again. They're quick enough to increase fees and take your money but dreadful at refunds. I even had to have them remove charges which they'd added to my final credit bill for something I'd neither asked for nor agreed to. I'm disgusted!!

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This message was authored by RedDragon This message was authored by: RedDragon Answer

Re: Refund

@caesarome  Well, thanks to help from Caesarome in referring this it look like I might finally have this issue resolved. What I thought was my July bill was apparently only an estimate. The "final" bill has now produced and the representative I chatted with has told me I'll get my refund in 3-5 working days, so I'll wait and see as I've been promised this several times in the past. The only thing I found really bizarre is that my June bill changed after being issued and charges were added to it which have been carried forward to my July bill. I was issued a credit from the June bill of £21ish and then a few days later received 2 further credits which totalled about £16 ish. I didn't know what they were for. This £16 ish was then charged to the June bill and carried forward to the July bill. However on the July bill there are credit adjustments which exactly total, and therefore offset the charge so there's effectively a net zero effect. It just seems to me, as someone who worked in finance for 40 + years a really cack-handed way of dealing with things. Still at least it seems to have been resolved and I look forward to receiving the refund for the credit I'm still owed.  The only thing is I'm going to have to go through the same process after 5th July, ie asking a superuser to escalate for me, to get the credit due on my mobile account. 🙄  So, Caesarome, apologies in advance if I bug your again shortly   

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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Refund

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@RedDragon wrote:

got an e-mail acknowledging the termination but showing 27th June as the last day. I think I've finally got that sorted but despite all their promises I'm still waiting for my money.

Are your services still active or does this 27th June date still apply, if they have been cancelled do you see this £51 as credit on your account ?

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This message was authored by RedDragon This message was authored by: RedDragon

Re: Refund

@caesarome  Services were all cancelled before 27th May actually. They've already received all my equipment back and they don't even send the packaging out before the termination date so it was definitely 27th May. My final bill shows credits for June charges but some items are being refunded with different cancellation dates, some showing 27th June, some 4th June, some 8th June. It's a real mess. I worked in finance for over 40 years and have never seen anything like it. 

This message was authored by Sue696 This message was authored by: Sue696

Re: Refund

I feel your pain


i have been a loyal customer for over 9 years but the renewal price this time was just ridiculous 


They seem to look after new customers a lot better & not worry about the existing ones


Yesterday they said refund will be 3-5 days so will wait & see


Hope you get yours sorted soon

Topic Author
This message was authored by RedDragon This message was authored by: RedDragon

Re: Refund

@Sue696 I hope you actually get your money. I've been told now on several occasions that I'll get payment in 3-5 days but so far nothing. Maybe you'll be luckier. Fingers crossed.

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Refund

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


What might be worth doing is waiting for this 27th June date to pass then reply to my post here as someone can then alert Sky's messaging team who will be able to issue the refund (they have done many before) so I'm pretty sure this time around that once they do this you will see it refunded to you within 5 working days.



The 3-5 doesn't include Saturday and Sunday, just to point out.

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This message was authored by RedDragon This message was authored by: RedDragon

Re: Refund

@caesarome I'll do that but it really shouldn't be necessary. I've yet to come across another company which has this kind of issue when making refunds. Of course I'm cynical enough to think that the longer Sky holds on to £50 here and £100 there from potentially hundredsm if not thousands of customers, they're making a nice amount of interest. What really irks is the apparent lack of connectivity in the system and associates who are obviously working to a script and seem incapable of thinking outside of the box and using common sense,

Topic Author
This message was authored by RedDragon This message was authored by: RedDragon

Re: Refund

@caesarome  I was going to wait until the 27th as you suggested but I see in replies you've made to some other people you've been able to get the assistance if the credit shows on their account. My TV bill does actually show a credit of £43.78 for bill due 8th July and my mobile bill shows credit of £20.80 for the bill 5 July - 4 Aug. Obviously I don't want to wait until 4th Aug for these credits to be paid so is there any way you can work your magic please to have your contacts at Sky get in touch and resove this issue asap? Many thanks - in anticipation

Topic Author
This message was authored by RedDragon This message was authored by: RedDragon

Re: Refund

@caesarome First apologies if you see this twice - I thought I'd posted it but can't see it. My 8th July TV bill shows a credit of £43.78 and my mobile bill for 5 Jul – 4 Aug shows a credit of £20.80.  Does this mean that I have to wait until 8th July for the refund for the credit on the TV bill and 4th Aug for the refund of the credit for mobile? I've seen your posts on lots of other threads where you seem to have escalated this to Sky to help people get their refunds faster, if so is this something you could help with please?

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Refund

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@RedDragon wrote:

Does this mean that I have to wait until 8th July for the refund for the credit on the TV bill and 4th Aug for the refund of the credit for mobile? 

I'm not sure @RedDragon so to get you some help with this I have escalated your post to the Sky Messaging team who should be in touch with you regarding this via a blue/red chat bubble which will appear at the bottom of this page. It can take up to a few hours to be contacted via this.

This link explains how this works so you will need to respond to the chat bubble at the bottom of the page when it appears by typing it it to start the chat:


When the chat bubble does appear you will need to respond to it as soon as you can or it will be closed if there is no response within 48 hours. To start the conversation just type in it.
This isn't a live chat so replies are not instant.

If someone has helped you then please click on the LIKES button in their post.
If you need help please provide as much information as you can
Topic Author
This message was authored by RedDragon This message was authored by: RedDragon

Re: Refund

@caesarome Thank you

This message was authored by Addie15 This message was authored by: Addie15

Re: Refund

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi there! Thank you for escalating this. We have sent an invite to @RedDragon.

Topic Author
This message was authored by RedDragon This message was authored by: RedDragon Answer

Re: Refund

@caesarome  Well, thanks to help from Caesarome in referring this it look like I might finally have this issue resolved. What I thought was my July bill was apparently only an estimate. The "final" bill has now produced and the representative I chatted with has told me I'll get my refund in 3-5 working days, so I'll wait and see as I've been promised this several times in the past. The only thing I found really bizarre is that my June bill changed after being issued and charges were added to it which have been carried forward to my July bill. I was issued a credit from the June bill of £21ish and then a few days later received 2 further credits which totalled about £16 ish. I didn't know what they were for. This £16 ish was then charged to the June bill and carried forward to the July bill. However on the July bill there are credit adjustments which exactly total, and therefore offset the charge so there's effectively a net zero effect. It just seems to me, as someone who worked in finance for 40 + years a really cack-handed way of dealing with things. Still at least it seems to have been resolved and I look forward to receiving the refund for the credit I'm still owed.  The only thing is I'm going to have to go through the same process after 5th July, ie asking a superuser to escalate for me, to get the credit due on my mobile account. 🙄  So, Caesarome, apologies in advance if I bug your again shortly   


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