10 Dec 2024 02:10 PM
I signed up for Fibre 150 on 26 Nov 24. Because my area has only recently been equiped for full fibre, I could not complete the order online. So, I managed to phone an operator who took my order and booked me in for activation on 6 1 25.
However, since then I have heard nothing about any scheduled visit from Openreach to connect my home to the street. Furthermore, other than the initial documents sent to me while the operator was speaking to me, I have received nothing more. I have set up my account on the website, but do not see any account number. I have a contract and some other documents with links in them which lead to some help and info pages, but no Welcome Pack.
Also, I have now agreed to buy a new home and my own will be marketed at the start of the New Year when the activation is due. So, I wanted to change my order from Full Fibre to an ordinary non-full fibre package that would make the process much simpler in that I would anly require a router to be sent and thenI could plug in an go myself. Neither do I want the garden or house being disturbed when I am selling my house.
So, this morning I called Sky and tried to arrange this. But after 30 minutes we could achieve nothing. The operative suggested that non-full fibre would not be available and I would always need an Openreach engineer to connect to the house. This puzzles me since others in the neighbourhood are currently using non-full fibre Sky services. He gave ne another number to call, but to be honest, at 30 minutes per call at a cost of around £6 on my useless EE landline, I am not jumping at the thought of another try at this.
It does strike me though, that this order is incomplete as I have no account number and things have been completely silent since 26 Nov 24. nd, of course, no Welcome Pack.
I would appreciate any thoughts and advice on this.
Finally, my preference just now would be to take the simplest option of a standard broadband service where the router is posted to me and I switch ver myself. I really cannot take a risk of being without a phone, computer, etc just now!
10 Dec 2024 02:48 PM
You may find that your are in an area where ADSL from the exchange is not available, all the ports in the fibre cabinet are in use and hence FTTC is not available or there is a policy in place where both of the above are no longer being sold.
If you are selling, taking out a new 18 or 24 month contract with a new ISP is probably not the best idea right now.
Leave it to the new owner to sort it out.
10 Dec 2024 03:33 PM
Thanks, martswain. I take your point about changing at all just now and I am wondering if it is much simpler just to cancel and start when we move.
I did really want to leave EE since I do not use a mobile and EE now insist on 2FA with only a mibile number. This means I cannot access my bills or account. But it may still be worth living with this for 3/4 months.
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