Discussion topic: Can't pay my bill from overseas

This message was authored by Danielle80 This message was authored by: Danielle80

Can't pay my bill from overseas

I have been trying to get in contact with Sky to pay my bill. I am currently in the US and non of the numbers provided are reachable from here. I don;t have my SkyID so can't login to MySky. How can I get in touch with a person to make my payment?



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This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Can't pay my bill from overseas

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


You should have a direct debit or continuous card payment method set up so that would mean a manual payment isn't required. Is there a reason you're trying to do this, particularly whilst out of the country? 

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Topic Author
This message was authored by Danielle80 This message was authored by: Danielle80

Re: Can't pay my bill from overseas

I have Sky supplied to a holiday home of mine in Ireland and I am based in US. I have now ceased my contract with Sky but they are sending me letters that I owe them some amount. I previously had to get someone in Ireland to pay on my behalf as they would not accept my credit card but Sky are reluctant to speak with anyone who isn't on the account.


This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Can't pay my bill from overseas

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


It sounds like after you cancelled (presuming you cancelled correctly and received an email from Sky acknowledging the cancellation) you cancelled the payment method too quickley. Bills are generated by Sky 14 days before the payment date so a bill was almost certainly generated within your notice period which needed to be paid and then any overpayment would be reimbursed within about 6 weeks from the last day of connection. 

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Topic Author
This message was authored by Danielle80 This message was authored by: Danielle80

Re: Can't pay my bill from overseas

so how do you reccommend I get in touch to rectify this? I don;t even have my SkyID as this is in the house in Ireland.

This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Can't pay my bill from overseas

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


I don't think you can call Sky Ireland from outside Ireland (even from the UK). Perhaps try social media, the links to which are at the bottom of this page. 

▪️I AM NOT A SKY EMPLOYEE (undercover or otherwise) ▪️
Sky customer since 2001
with: Sky Q | Sky Superfast Broadband | Sky Talk | Sky Mobile
NOTE: I only provide help on the forums and NOT via PM
Topic Author
This message was authored by Danielle80 This message was authored by: Danielle80

Re: Can't pay my bill from overseas

That's frustraing as I went through a WhatsApp chat with the SkyBot who eventaully passed me on to a 'real person' who supplied a phone number that they said was reachable from the US. I will continue to try with social media. thanks for your advice.

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Can't pay my bill from overseas

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Danielle80 just to add, if you know your Sky account number, you can create a new Sky ID and link your account to it. You'll then be able to pay online providing you have a credit/debit card that Sky accepts. 


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