Discussion topic: April 2025 Price Increases

This message was authored by MisterM18 This message was authored by: MisterM18

April 2025 Price Increases

I have been a Sky customer for around 9 months now, after moving over from Virgin Media in June 2024. I have a Sky Glass TV which I paid for in full when I joined Sky. My current contract with Sky lasts for about another 9 months (It was originally an 18 month contract).


I have the Sky Ultimate TV package (Sky Entertainment with Netflix) which (pre-price rises) costs £27 per month, Ad Skipping which costs £5 per month and Ultrafast Broadband which costs £16 per month.


Sky emailed me a few days ago to advise me that my subscription prices will be going up. A price rise next month wasn’t unexpected but what was unexpected were the amounts of those increases.  


My Ultimate TV package (Sky Entertainment with Netflix) which currently costs £27 per month is due to increase by £3 per month which equates to an increase of 11.1%.

My Ad Skipping which currently costs £5 per month is due to increase by £1 per month which equates to an increase of 20%.

My Ultrafast Broadband which currently costs £16 per month is due to increase by £3 per month which equates to an increase of 18.75%.


I think I read somewhere that I can cancel my Sky Broadband mid-contract and move to another Broadband provider penalty-free but I am not sure where I saw this or if that is 100% correct? I do not believe that I can cancel my Sky TV subscription penalty-free whilst I am still under contract with Sky for another 9 months, or presumably that I cannot re-negotiate my monthly charges with them?


Are Sky actually allowed to increase their monthly costs by so much? and given that I am still under contract to Sky, what are my options to reduce my monthly costs?


Thanks in advance for any responses that might be received.



65" Sky Glass in Anthracite & 145 Mbps Ultrafast Broadband