Discussion topic: All of it, sky tv, sky mobile, sky interent and sky customer services. ALL SHAMBOLIC

This message was authored by Mollyp This message was authored by: Mollyp

All of it, sky tv, sky mobile, sky interent and sky customer services. ALL SHAMBOLIC

Sky tv has glitches, lip sync is way out, the tv freezes, we have to update our pucks via our internent and unplug everything, its been like this since we had it installed.  We can't watch certain programmes, there are no catch channels, so you can't watch anything until the following day. Which is really crappy. Nobody calls you back from customer services. The mobile data is a con and so expensive. Sky do not look after vulnerable and oap customers, they say they will call you and done. The complaints are not taken seriously and nobody cares basically. The pucks trunk on BBC I Player by themselves and also sky adverts too. In the middle of looking for a film (which is all crap by the way) or a browse what to watch and it just goes off, then the remote control does nothing (the lights work on them when they want) . So we have to download the software on the router, unplug everything and leave it for some time. Not that you get a green light to say it's done, bit according to sky that'd what we have to do every 2 weeks. It's like it's all being controlled, they get their money and it's a sod you ! I won't be using sky when my times is out of the contract I agreed, but then again you agree to an 18 month special offer contract and get a 24 month plus on your my sky app. We had some curtesy upgrades, with no difference to our tv, as there is no catch up or plus one channels. Then we have been being billed for it all. Then I got a 10 pounds late payment fee for paying over my agreed contract for a gesture of good will from a sky adviser. 26 quid extra I have had to pay. Sky was supposed to call me back 3 weeks ago (tomorrow), still nothing!! The mobile bills are extortionate and they don't give you what you agreed to with them. It's double the knot for the phones and the data. So I will be paying it all upfront (what i won't be getting and don't currently get from sky) just to get out of this hell hole. It's been nothing but stressful, frustrating, brain boggling, exhausting, confusing (because they had no recollection of our issues, phone calls, chats engineer visitors) what an absolute crock ! Don't do it. Oh and if your tv, Internet or phones arr off/down etc, you will be charged full price. Or a goodwill gesture that charges you for them anyway with late payments fees!!!! Shote company, I'm going back to virgin