Discussion topic: death announcements of legends on the news

This message was authored by SheilaHarris This message was authored by: SheilaHarris

death announcements of legends on the news

Wee Willie Harris died on the 27th April 2023 and altho advised   Sky News  said they couldn't put the news out as 'it couldn't be 'confirmed'?   Willie was a sensation in the late 1950's when he appeared in the film 'The world by night'  dyed his hair shocking pink  & , on the strength of this he was in demand all over the world  and all the big names wanted to see him work.  He was a legend and a pioneer of british rock and as David Bowie stated the 1st glam rocker of rock and roll.  Gene Vincent was asked what he liked about  Britain and he said he loved Wee Willie Harris and that he should go to the States as there was no one like him out there.  There was so many countries paying their respects, like Italy, Australia, Israel  and so many many more (in their own lanquage) but this country very little news.  This brings me to the point that without proper news fans are still asking me 'how's Willie'  very distressing when am I still grieving for my kind. loving husband, my soul mate.  Willie wasn't just a rock and roller and could addapt his voice to any genre, he was a comedian, impressionist and a complete all rounder.  To put my mind at rest could someone somewhere tell me why the staff that I spoke to did not realise the importance that we had lost someone who was still working in his 80's, despite the major health problems.  Willie was much loved by family, friends and fans all over the world.  Thank you Sheila Harris. .  


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This message was authored by SKY1992bf This message was authored by: SKY1992bf

Re: death announcements of legends on the news

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@SheilaHarris wrote:

Wee Willie Harris died on the 27th April 2023 and altho advised   Sky News  said they couldn't put the news out as 'it couldn't be 'confirmed'?   Willie was a sensation in the late 1950's when he appeared in the film 'The world by night'  dyed his hair shocking pink  & , on the strength of this he was in demand all over the world  and all the big names wanted to see him work.  He was a legend and a pioneer of british rock and as David Bowie stated the 1st glam rocker of rock and roll.  Gene Vincent was asked what he liked about  Britain and he said he loved Wee Willie Harris and that he should go to the States as there was no one like him out there.  There was so many countries paying their respects, like Italy, Australia, Israel  and so many many more (in their own lanquage) but this country very little news.  This brings me to the point that without proper news fans are still asking me 'how's Willie'  very distressing when am I still grieving for my kind. loving husband, my soul mate.  Willie wasn't just a rock and roller and could addapt his voice to any genre, he was a comedian, impressionist and a complete all rounder.  To put my mind at rest could someone somewhere tell me why the staff that I spoke to did not realise the importance that we had lost someone who was still working in his 80's, despite the major health problems.  Willie was much loved by family, friends and fans all over the world.  Thank you Sheila Harris. .  

@SheilaHarris  as customer helps customer forum only no one on here could possibly no the answer I'm afraid 

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This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: death announcements of legends on the news

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@SheilaHarris wrote:

To put my mind at rest could someone somewhere tell me why the staff that I spoke to did not realise the importance

Realistically I'd suggest it's incredibly unlikely that you are going to get an explanation of an editorial decision made well over a year ago, and it's certainly not going to come through this forum, a Sky call centre or any other customer support mechanism.


There are some contact details here:




or you could try a letter to the News Department at the publicly available Sky headquarters address.

* * * * * * *

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