16 Jul 2024 02:00 PM
Does anyone know what is happening with the next season of The Conners - S6 - on Sky Comedy? It aired in the US in February but there's no sign of it over here. I've checked Geektown & they don't have an air date for the UK. I hope Sky is going to continue to show it as there are only two more seasons - 6 & 7 - before it ends.
18 Jul 2024 12:56 PM
I guess we're all in the dark on this one then. Oh well.
24 Jul 2024 03:54 PM
Hi Mr Ripley,
I suspect it'll air in the UK once Sky Comedy has finished its current complete-run-through of Seasons 1-5. So, probably in September/October time.
Due to the recent writers/producers/actors strikes, a lot of TV shows' last Seasons are being withheld in the UK, so that we have something "new" to watch in recent months, and in the coming months. As such, a lot of shows that would normally have already aired over here, are being delayed, and then eventually we'll start to catch-up again with the USA.
It's a real pain for UK fans, but there's little we can sadly do about it, frustratingly.
05 Jan 2025 11:09 PM
No plans to acquire S6 according to Sky viewing relations
06 Jan 2025 12:01 PM - last edited: 06 Jan 2025 12:03 PM
@Timelord2018 wrote:No plans to acquire S6 according to Sky viewing relations
Thanks, @Timelord2018 for finding this out. It's a bit annoying though with only 2 seasons left to air. Makes you wonder why you start watching shows. Only yesterday I read that another Sky Comedy show that I watched, The Franchise has been cancelled after one season. What's the point in investing the time when this sort of thing keeps happening? Kaos on Netflix was another one.
06 Jan 2025 12:05 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@Mr+Ripley wrote:
@Timelord2018 wrote:No plans to acquire S6 according to Sky viewing relations
Thanks, @Timelord2018 for finding this out. It's a bit annoying though with only 2 seasons left to air. Makes you wonder why you start watching shows. Only yesterday I read that another Sky Comedy show that I watched, The Franchise has been cancelled after one season. What's the point in investing the time when this sort of thing keeps happening?
Thats the problem with the TV industry. I hate getting invested in shows just for them to be cancelled at the end of a season without the story being wrapped up and prefer to watch a show thats either a mini-series or has a few seasons already on it. However its a bit of a catch-22 scenario as if you don't watch a new show when its newly released, its viewing numbers will be down so its got a higher probability of being cancelled.
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