Discussion topic: Do I need a TV licence?

This message was authored by Redfraggle This message was authored by: Redfraggle

Do I need a TV licence?

I don't currently have a TV licence so I logged into my BBC iPlayer account (once) at a different address on their TV as they have a Licence.

I have had contact from TVL saying I now need a licence as I have logged into BBC iPlayer.

I thought they would be able to tell which address I was physically at when I logged in?

Best Answers
This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK Answer

Re: Do I need a TV licence?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

If you are watching iPlayer at an address that is covered by a license then you don't need one 🙂 Just change the postcode in the app to the address you are viewing at


If you want to watch iPlayer or any live broadcast channels/streams (programmes that are at that time being broadcast including +1 channels etc..) then you will need a license

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