Discussion topic: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

This message was authored by best+of+the+best This message was authored by: best+of+the+best

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


This message was authored by Nigelb1972 This message was authored by: Nigelb1972

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

@best+of+the+best what is the point of your post? That's clearly an American advert as it's in dollars 

This message was authored by best+of+the+best This message was authored by: best+of+the+best

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Nigelb1972 wrote:

@best+of+the+best what is the point of your post? That's clearly an American advert as it's in dollars 

And the point of your post is what 

Any currency can be converted to Pounds GBP

as you don't get it @Nigelb1972 so $ 9.99 converts to £8.03

This message was authored by Timelord2018 This message was authored by: Timelord2018

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

@best+of+the+best wrote:

@Nigelb1972 wrote:

@best+of+the+best what is the point of your post? That's clearly an American advert as it's in dollars 

And the point of your post is what 

Any currency can be converted to Pounds GBP

as you don't get it @Nigelb1972 so $ 9.99 converts to £8.03

And Prime Video at $14.99 converts to £12.06 , the actual uk price is £8.99


Max basic with ads is €5 99 (£4.98) in Europe , so that's a closer indication of what the UK price will be, Standard tier is €9.99 and Premium tier is €13.99 (which isn't available via Prime Video channels) 

This message was authored by Timelord2018 This message was authored by: Timelord2018

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

@best+of+the+best wrote:

@Timelord2018 wrote:

@best+of+the+best wrote:

@Timelord2018 wrote:


Still failing to see the point of your post @Timelord2018 

I agree with the other poster, this simply shouldn't be shown on pages with 24 month contracts


Every right to put a complaint into the Advertising Standards Authority 

It depends if you've signed up for 24 months or on a 31 day rolling contract you still get Discovery + included on both contracts 

So failing to see what your post actually means @Timelord2018 

It says stream over 300 days of Cycling including the Tour De France, snooker and motorsports , 

This message was authored by dom3663 This message was authored by: dom3663

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

I love the nitty gritty of terms and conditions and advertising sometimes.


It doesn't say which TdF?

Could be previous events?


I haven't had the time to delve deeper into how much content is on there though to be fair, as to whether they could cover this statement under that.

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@dom3663 wrote:

I love the nitty gritty of terms and conditions and advertising sometimes.


It doesn't say which TdF?

Could be previous events?


I haven't had the time to delve deeper into how much content is on there though to be fair, as to whether they could cover this statement under that.

THe historical sporting coverage would be irrelevant as all the sporting content will end up behind the Discovery + Premium tier. Therefore any advertising stating that all sky customers would get access to that content could be considered misleading as it isn't available on the Discovery + Basic tier, which is the tier "included for free" as part of a Sky subscription.

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This message was authored by FastEddie1 This message was authored by: FastEddie1

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Apparently Virgin are allowing their customers a free upgrade to TNT Sport until their contracts end...



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This message was authored by FastEddie1 This message was authored by: FastEddie1

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

The Sun reports that Virgin are giving their customers a free upgrade to TNT Sports until their contract ends.

Sports fan

With Sky since 1993 unbroken
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This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@FastEddie1 wrote:

The Sun reports that Virgin are giving their customers a free upgrade to TNT Sports until their contract ends.

Good for them by nothing to so with Sky!

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This message was authored by FastEddie1 This message was authored by: FastEddie1

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Its worth a call to Sky to see if they'll match this.

Sports fan

With Sky since 1993 unbroken
Sky+ HD User
This message was authored by redsky88 This message was authored by: redsky88

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

@FastEddie1 good luck with that. 

This message was authored by Manixman This message was authored by: Manixman

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

@best+of+the+best wrote:

@Timelord2018 wrote:

@best+of+the+best wrote:

@Timelord2018 wrote:


Still failing to see the point of your post @Timelord2018 

I agree with the other poster, this simply shouldn't be shown on pages with 24 month contracts


Every right to put a complaint into the Advertising Standards Authority 

It depends if you've signed up for 24 months or on a 31 day rolling contract you still get Discovery + included on both contracts 

So failing to see what your post actually means @Timelord2018 

No I'm afraid it doesn't depend if you signed up to anything.


If it is deemed unfair to the consumer by ASA/Court/Ombudmans those small print words will mean very little all of a sudden.


It is advertising 300 days of cycling so a consumer would naturally assume they are getting 300 days of cycling.


You know last year I was told continually by a insurance company they did everything correctly to their terms and conditions. Role on 6 months later the Financial Ombudsman awards £3000 to myself.

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@FastEddie1 wrote:

The Sun reports that Virgin are giving their customers a free upgrade to TNT Sports until their contract ends.

Note that the story (rather than the headline) actually says ' selected Virgin Media customers who regularly watch Eurosport ', which implies it's very far from being the whole customer base.

* * * * * * *

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This message was authored by best+of+the+best This message was authored by: best+of+the+best

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@TimmyBGood wrote:

@FastEddie1 wrote:

The Sun reports that Virgin are giving their customers a free upgrade to TNT Sports until their contract ends.

Note that the story (rather than the headline) actually says ' selected Virgin Media customers who regularly watch Eurosport ', which implies it's very far from being the whole customer base.

Maybe the Virgin Customers with less than 2 months left hence selected @FastEddie1 


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