Discussion topic: no landline for 4 weeks on a vulnerable person

This message was authored by Fiona98 This message was authored by: Fiona98

no landline for 4 weeks on a vulnerable person

Why o why do SKY Think its ok to leave a vulnerable lady 87 years old living on her own WITH NO landline for the last 4 weeks?  SEveral calls to the helpdesk - no iengineer visit is allowed and I have to travel over there every week to 'try rebooting the modem/hun? again for the fifth time???????????   This is shocking and fraudulent.   How can I get this resolved if SKY refuse to send an engineer? who is gonna pay for all my time  spent on this issue (being self employed my time is money)????????  I will never recommend SKY to anyone after this 


All Replies

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: no landline for 4 weeks on a vulnerable person

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Fiona98 can you explain the background to this? Are you new to Sky broadband/phone services? Or has your phone service with Sky worked ok up to 4 weeks ago? Do you have a white broadband Hub or a black one? Is your phone plugged into the Hub?

Topic Author
This message was authored by Fiona98 This message was authored by: Fiona98

Re: no landline for 4 weeks on a vulnerable person

we changed from Virgin to Sky GLASS and MAX hub on 27 NOV - the phone is plugged into the hub - I have sent pictures of this several times to SKY - we have had the helpdesk dooing diagnostics a total of 4 times now - happy to share pictures if it will help get a result for her 

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: no landline for 4 weeks on a vulnerable person

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

There is, unfortunately, a known issue with the Max Hub, which for some users, results in a delayed activation of the Voice (phone) service. Your relative(?) has been particularly unfortunate as, from previous posts, it's normally resolved within a couple of weeks. Sky blames Openreach but I don't know whether that's actually the case,


In addition to rebooting, have Sky asked her to try a factory reset by pressing and holding the WPS button for 30 seconds?


Thay aside, all I can suggest, I'm afraid is that you seek confirmation from Sky that this is being managed by their networks team as they're familiar with the issue.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Fiona98 This message was authored by: Fiona98

Re: no landline for 4 weeks on a vulnerable person

yes we have done a factory rest three times - I have to do all these things for her as she doesnt understand any of it 

i have to an hours trip each time  

Topic Author
This message was authored by Fiona98 This message was authored by: Fiona98

Re: no landline for 4 weeks on a vulnerable person

we also bought brand new phones - we connexted the phone to our brand new SKY MAX hub first time with no issues at all - so we know its not the phones at fault - but the same phone will not connext and work on her MAX hub - the wiring comes from the old NTL box into the OPenreach box which I thought was weird - it seems yes she has bad luck but the situation is really deplorable to leave a vulnerable person in this situation with no answer suggested - - her mobile signal is very poor where she lives so its not good - at what pointdo I cancel the SKY talk and refuse to pay the bill - I mean how long exactly is this likely to go on for? 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Fiona98 This message was authored by: Fiona98

Re: no landline for 4 weeks on a vulnerable person

heres another question 

as we dont need our landline 

can i change MUMS sky hub for our sky hub?????  

as ours clearly does work with the landline, would this solve her problem please?  

can SKY not change them over on their records? 

This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: no landline for 4 weeks on a vulnerable person

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Withholding payment will bring your relative additional problems including the broadband service being restricted and not being able to call Sky until payment is made.


It may be worth registering them with the Sky Accessibility Team who may be able to help now or in the future. Once registered there are also different methods of communication with this team other than phoning so have a look at these links:~




▪️I AM NOT A SKY EMPLOYEE (undercover or otherwise) ▪️
Sky customer since 2001
with: Sky Q | Sky Superfast Broadband | Sky Talk | Sky Mobile
NOTE: I only provide help on the forums and NOT via PM
Topic Author
This message was authored by Fiona98 This message was authored by: Fiona98

Re: no landline for 4 weeks on a vulnerable person

i pay the bills for my 87 year old mother 

so I am forced to pay for a service we cannot access 

wonderful world we live in, isnt it? 

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: no landline for 4 weeks on a vulnerable person

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Fiona98 wrote:

heres another question 

as we dont need our landline 

can i change MUMS sky hub for our sky hub?????  

as ours clearly does work with the landline, would this solve her problem please?  

can SKY not change them over on their records? 

You could check with Sky, but I don't think that will work.


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