Discussion topic: Total loss of phone service for 14 days. Auto compensation declined

This message was authored by AskAFriend This message was authored by: AskAFriend

Total loss of phone service for 14 days. Auto compensation declined



I reported no phone service 0849 20th July and it was restored sometime in the afternoon of 3rd August.  This was due to an Openreach MSO affecting - 800 homes.  


As part of recontracting duscussion I brought up that I had not received auto compensation due.  After lengthy back and forth between the person and the back office he text me an email address for credit support and the details they required.  I sent a comprehensive dossier, including call records and texts and the message was undeliverable.  I see this issue with the same email address reported in this forum.


As part of the same call the person arranged for an engineer visit to resolve wifi issues.  The engineer gave me the email of the priority team to which I sent the email.  They responded quickly but only to tell me there was nothing they could do apart from put me through to the broadband technical team.  After a 40min call with them and very similar back and forth with the back office team I was offered £20 (should be £9.33 for 1st 48hrs and £9.33 for every day unresolved = ~ £112 plus additional compensation for the whole sorry saga).  I refused this and asked for this to be escalated and a complaint to be raised.  The person said she would do this and text me the reference which has never appeared.


Any ideas of what I should do next?

