Discussion topic: Switched to Sky from BT - landline not transferred

This message was authored by KevRodge This message was authored by: KevRodge

Switched to Sky from BT - landline not transferred

Now one week since Sky Fttp installed.

Internet is fine via the Sky Max broadband router.

However I have been without the landline - which should have been transferred from BT/EE to Sky Talk - for a week and counting.

Physical set-up has been confirmed as ok, but no dial tone.

On calling it "The number you have called is temporarily unavailable"

Numerous calls to Sky Cust Services who are blaming the delay on a problem with Openreach doing the transfer (whatever it is they actually need to do?), and that I just need to wait - possibly up to a further week.

Feeling powerless and frustrated!

Anyone else with the same issue - even if only to confirm their explanation is valid and I am not just being fobbed off?!




All Replies

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Switched to Sky from BT - landline not transferred

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Take a quick look through this forum and you'll find several reports of landline issues with the Max hub.


Have you tried a factory reset by pressing the WPS button for 30 seconds?

Topic Author
This message was authored by KevRodge This message was authored by: KevRodge

Re: Switched to Sky from BT - landline not transferred


On every call to Cust Svcs!

And multiole " switch it off, switch it on again" for the Ont and Hub.

Last adviser was adamant that  it was an issue with the transfer of the number itself.




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