Discussion topic: Sky mobiles cannot phone my landline

This message was authored by Grahammc This message was authored by: Grahammc

Sky mobiles cannot phone my landline

I recently moved from sky to virgin Media. Between them the 2 companies managed to mess up transferring my landline number. After several attempts it appeared to have been resolved. However I have since been informed that calls to my landline from SKY mobiles receive a message that the number does not exist. This has occurred on several different phones. Other networks appear fine, O2, EE, 3, TalkTalk etc. Virgin have been looking at this for over a week. I can contact the sky phones from my landline and the correct number is displayed on the receiving phone. Can anyone help?

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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Sky mobiles cannot phone my landline

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

As your landline is now with Virgin then you will have to let them complete their investigations as this might we be something that only they can correct because as far as I can tell from what you have said you a not a Sky Mobile customer yourself.

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Topic Author
This message was authored by Grahammc This message was authored by: Grahammc

Re: Sky mobiles cannot phone my landline

It's true that I dont have a SKY mobile and as a Virgin Customer they should be my first port of call, and they were. I posted on here out of desperation as they appear to be making little progress.


It's also odd that, as far as I can tell, only SKY phones have this problem. O2 for instance, which share the same network as SKY, work as expected. The nature of my original problems whereby I lost my landline number completely and BT, SKY, and VM had to coordinate its reinstatement makes me wonder if this is smoehow connected. What was not done but should have been?


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