Discussion topic: Sky Talk Shield - cannot amend via the website or My Sky App

This message was authored by shoal48 This message was authored by: shoal48

Re: Sky Talk Shield - cannot amend via the website or My Sky App

well,  I have an update on the non acivation of talk shield. 

I may have mentioned that I was getting the "whoops, there is an error" message and sometimes the "technical error, its us not you" message over the past 2 weeks. I tried different browsers, cleared caches, different pcs, tried via mobile on cellular in case it was a firewall issue on my wifi, anyway nothing worked so this morning I tried the online robot assistant which, as you may have guessed, was of no help at all, but after quitting this, I got another pop up saying did I still need help...so YES, with options for contact or online advice, the contact option gave me a phone number for a "Sky Expert".

call was answered after a few minutes and chap I spoke to was really helpful, I explained the issue .......& he said he had not heard of it before so I pointed him to this forum & he looked it up whilst we were talking.  Anyway He activated Talk Shield on my line, it seems to work  as it should (at the moment) and I can now control it from my PC. 


There seems to be something wrong with the activation process by the customer  but sky seem to be ble to activate it internally, so maybe a server issue is preventing online access. I dont know whether my problem actually got logged as the chap was able to activate the service immediately without any problem from within their system.....maybe thats why engineers say they havent heard of the issue. 



This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky Talk Shield - cannot amend via the website or My Sky App

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@shoal48 wrote:

well,  I have an update on the non acivation of talk shield. 

I may have mentioned that I was getting the "whoops, there is an error" message and sometimes the "technical error, its us not you" message over the past 2 weeks. I tried different browsers, cleared caches, different pcs, tried via mobile on cellular in case it was a firewall issue on my wifi, anyway nothing worked so this morning I tried the online robot assistant which, as you may have guessed, was of no help at all, but after quitting this, I got another pop up saying did I still need help...so YES, with options for contact or online advice, the contact option gave me a phone number for a "Sky Expert".

call was answered after a few minutes and chap I spoke to was really helpful, I explained the issue .......& he said he had not heard of it before so I pointed him to this forum & he looked it up whilst we were talking.  Anyway He activated Talk Shield on my line, it seems to work  as it should (at the moment) and I can now control it from my PC. 


There seems to be something wrong with the activation process by the customer  but sky seem to be ble to activate it internally, so maybe a server issue is preventing online access. I dont know whether my problem actually got logged as the chap was able to activate the service immediately without any problem from within their system.....maybe thats why engineers say they havent heard of the issue. 




Thanks for letting us know.

This message was authored by Dawn-Tracey This message was authored by: Dawn-Tracey

Re: Sky Talk Shield - cannot amend via the website or My Sky App

 @shoal48 thanks for update my issue is i have it acctivated but cant access any of the service like seeing what calles its blocked or adding or removing safe numbers but hey i think ive given up was a fantastic product back in day not to be now  now for most part of the service is useless to me see my contract out then time for shopping arround find it hard that now sky are unaware when sky employees have taken part on here months ago then just went radio silence people have shared on here there experience of managers giving them weekley updates so some one telling porkies and contary to belief i dont think its us on here !!!

This message was authored by Tricia+C This message was authored by: Tricia+C

Sky talk shield page not loading

I have been trying for over 2 months to access Sky Shield on both mobile via Sky Go app and online via my account and every time the page goes to load it comes back with "whooos error come back later"

after seeing this message multiple times a try it's getting ridiculously frustrating.

i called thr help line and was given a number to physically CALL to change my numbers but good grief how long does it take to fix something???

this page has not been accessible all summer - I've deleted the app on case of errors I've cleared my cache on browser and deleted cookies and STILL I can't access the fizzing thing 😡🤬😡🤬

I notice after doing searches that this seems to have been an issue (on and off, though in my case OFF) for a year (saw a post from Ict 2023 that said it was "resolved"

so come on Sky please ..... just how hard can it get to fix ???

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky talk shield page not loading

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Tricia+C if it helps (from the post marked as the Answer): "To confirm, teams are still working hard to get this issue resolved.  In the interim you can still make changes to Sky Talk Shield settings direct from your landline.  You can find full steps for this on each feature via the page here: https://www.sky.com/help/articles/sky-talk-shield-using 


This message was authored by Alan-Harris This message was authored by: Alan-Harris

Re: Sky Talk Shield - cannot amend via the website or My Sky App

I was one of the first to report the problem which I regularly check to see whether its been fixed


I've attempted none of the so called recommended actions to fix it as I invested a lot of time and trouble setting up my Starred and Blocked numbers and have no intention to repeat that for the evidently ineffective 'fix'


I occasionally monitor progress from the many 'replies to the forum and it's evident that it's not affecting just a few


So it looks like Sky are playing the oldest trick in the book which was played with devastating effect by The Post Office on it's Postmasters  i.e. that 'Nobody else is experiencing problems' 


So if anybody is counting, please include me !





This message was authored by Jitty1 This message was authored by: Jitty1

Re: Sky Talk Shield - cannot amend via the website or My Sky App

I still cannot get my Sky Shield to work either , I try at least once a week with my fingers crossed each time , I think that Sky must have used Horizon to set this up , compensation anyone? 

This message was authored by Dawn-Tracey This message was authored by: Dawn-Tracey

Re: Sky Talk Shield - cannot amend via the website or My Sky App

Think for me now its how we have all been dismissed sky not saying a word on here or anywhere if we read back on here they know there is a problem but we are now just ignored as others take our problem and the problem of alot of customers "with a pinch of salt " that many people involved that has really ground my gears would have hoped a sky employee would have stepped in again now but no so here we all are each 1 of us the only 1 having a problem !!! Good luck every body maybe for xmas we will get a working sky shield again ❤️❤️

This message was authored by itdave1805 This message was authored by: itdave1805

Sky Sheild

One reason I moved to Sly Talk and Broadband was Talk Shield, but it is still not working. , have phone and on the chat 



This message was authored by Wight This message was authored by: Wight

Unable to get access to Talk Shield. I sign in to my account but keep getting Oops there's a problem

I am unable to set up any sort of block or star list, as I cannot access Talk Shield.  I have been trying for weeks, but continually get WHOOPS THERE'S BEEN AN ERROR and "There's been an error loading the page and we can't change your settings right now. If you've just activated Sky Talk Shield it can take up to 24 hours before you can make changes. Please try again later."  Can't get any sense from the Virtual Assistant - no surprise there.


This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Unable to get access to Talk Shield. I sign in to my account but keep getting Oops there's a pro

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Wight I've added your post to an existing thread on the same subject.

This message was authored by Peterd19 This message was authored by: Peterd19

Sky Talk Shield

Sky Talk Shield is still not working and hasn't for a while 

This message was authored by Jitty1 This message was authored by: Jitty1

Talk shield

I havent checked to see if my talk shield is working so far this year so i checked today , what a suprise its not , this has been going on for over a year now , why cant they fix it , and i see that Sky are putting their prices up again .


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