Discussion topic: New Broadband - landline not working

This message was authored by Lanark This message was authored by: Lanark

New Broadband - landline not working

I switched broadband from Vodafone to Sky which was activated yesterday. As the internet was working through the old router I have only switched to my new router this morning. The broadband and WiFi are working absolutely fine, but I have absolutely zero telephone service. I have connected my cordless phone too the neck of the router, but I have nothing - no dial tone or anything. The router is a white Sky Max Hub, so there is just one white light on the front to say that everything's working and not the four green lights, with a separate one for voice, as detailed on the sky help page. Does telephone service take an additional couple of days to kick in, do I need to buy a new home telephone or is something wrong?

Best Answers
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39 Answer

Re: New Broadband - landline not working

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Your telephone should be fine. Yes, frequent posts here indicate that it can take a day or two for activation of the Voice service to complete.

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