Discussion topic: sky SD box film/sport packs switch off

This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: sky SD box film/sport packs switch off

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ThePope27 wrote:



I think there's a few sky+hd models that don't decode DVB-S2 as well.

As they ae HD boxes they MUST be able to decode HD (which have always transmitted innthe DVB-S2 format) and as such would continie to work woth any DVB-S2 transmissions 


There has been no Sky+HD box that only decodes DVB-S transmissions only, if that were the case they would never had HD on these (non existant) boxes.


The older boxes would have to be SD only to not decode HD

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
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This message was authored by ThePope27 This message was authored by: ThePope27

Re: sky SD box film/sport packs switch off

@GD1 ,


The first OG 2006 boxes were DVB-S only......

Sky Q 2TB v2 Box + 2 Mini Boxes - Brsk BetterNet1000 FTTP, WatchGuard M400 Firewall, Plume Mesh

Sky Signature + Ultimate TV Pack, Sky Sports, Sky Cinema, Sky Kids, TNT Sports, MUTV, LFCTV, Racing TV, Premier Sports, DAZN
This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: sky SD box film/sport packs switch off

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ThePope27 wrote:



The OG PVR4 Thompson/Pace/Samsung boxes. 


End of life, I would only recommend DRX890, DRX895 & DRX595, our Thompson was replace by Sky in a mass callback many years ago due to a hardware design issue

I still have a PVR4 down the shed that my parents owned when sky hd first come out, 


Ancient software with many bugs 😞


I was 3 years old when Sky HD was first released, just thought I would make you feel old 😉


No need, I am old 🙂


I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by ThePope27 This message was authored by: ThePope27

Re: sky SD box film/sport packs switch off



You comment is incorrect as BBC HD was transmitted on DVB-S until 6th of June 2011

Sky Q 2TB v2 Box + 2 Mini Boxes - Brsk BetterNet1000 FTTP, WatchGuard M400 Firewall, Plume Mesh

Sky Signature + Ultimate TV Pack, Sky Sports, Sky Cinema, Sky Kids, TNT Sports, MUTV, LFCTV, Racing TV, Premier Sports, DAZN
This message was authored by ThePope27 This message was authored by: ThePope27

Re: sky SD box film/sport packs switch off



I was just on about the OG PVR4 Thompson/Samsung boxes were the DVB-S only boxes, I wouldn't recommend them as a daily driver,


Only recommend DRX890WL and DRX895WL

Sky Q 2TB v2 Box + 2 Mini Boxes - Brsk BetterNet1000 FTTP, WatchGuard M400 Firewall, Plume Mesh

Sky Signature + Ultimate TV Pack, Sky Sports, Sky Cinema, Sky Kids, TNT Sports, MUTV, LFCTV, Racing TV, Premier Sports, DAZN
This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: sky SD box film/sport packs switch off

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ThePope27  I don;t believe they were as Sky HD channels were always DVB-S2 so for this box in 2006 to be released without access to these HD channels from Sky would have been a major foobar.

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
Please note I only provide help on the main forums and not via PM, PM's are switched off.

This message was authored by ThePope27 This message was authored by: ThePope27

Re: sky SD box film/sport packs switch off



Its made me curious now, I'll whip the old boy out over the weekend and satisfy my curiosity (that's if the old boy doesn't blow fire in my face)

Sky Q 2TB v2 Box + 2 Mini Boxes - Brsk BetterNet1000 FTTP, WatchGuard M400 Firewall, Plume Mesh

Sky Signature + Ultimate TV Pack, Sky Sports, Sky Cinema, Sky Kids, TNT Sports, MUTV, LFCTV, Racing TV, Premier Sports, DAZN
This message was authored by pinknina667 This message was authored by: pinknina667

Re: sky SD box film/sport packs switch off

Hello, it will depend when your bill date is each month, but you can expect by 30th May - there will be no Sports/Cinema channels remaning on an SD capable only box @HeathHayle 

This message was authored by theredhouse55555 This message was authored by: theredhouse55555

Re: sky SD box film/sport packs switch off

Not a fan If SKY wishes to close S.D. channels for SKY + H.D. box*s over 10 years. Then why just close all older box*s and switch to SKY Q?

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: sky SD box film/sport packs switch off

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@theredhouse55555 wrote:

Not a fan If SKY wishes to close S.D. channels for SKY + H.D. box*s over 10 years.

All Sky+ HD boxes are keeping their previous functionality.  ' Sky+ HD ' was launched in 2006, and there are apparently still millions of such boxes in use despite Q arriving in 2016.


The affected hardware is SD-only: this is 'Digibox' (1998) and 'Sky+' (2001) boxes and there are maybe some tens of thousands of those around.



  • 4F01 to 4F08 (Amstrad)
  • 4E01 to 4E05 (Grundig)
  • 9F01 to 9F08 and 9F0A (Pace)
  • 0F01 to 0F05 (Panasonic)
  • 4E06 to 4E08 (Thomson)


  • 4F2001 to 4F2006 (Amstrad)
  • 4F2101 to 4F2118 and 9F2101 to 9F2137 (Amstrad or Pace)
  • 9F2001 to 9F2024, PVR2, 9F2201 to 9F2235, 9F2301 to 9F2339 (Pace)
  • 4E2101 to 4E2141 (Thomson)




* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2

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