Discussion topic: Recycling Sky equipment

This message was authored by mb11 This message was authored by: mb11

Recycling Sky equipment

I recently switched to Sky Stream from Sky+. I was told I would be sent packaging to return the old equipment. That didn't happen. I looked on the website for information.


In addition to mailing it back to Sky, the website also provides this info:

Use the recyclenow website to find a recycling centre near you. Or you can return it to your local Sky retail Shop for recycling.


This morning I put everything into a bag and took the bus to Westfield shopping centre as there is a Sky retail shop there.


The man in the store wouldn't take it. He said they're not 'equipped' to do so. 
I told him it's right on the website. He said, no it's not.


I didn't have my phone with me so I said, 'can we please look on your website. I wouldn't have come all the way here if I hadn't read it there'. His reply was that it wouldn't be on the website because they don't accept old equipment.


I didn't have any option but to turn around and lug all that junk home with me. Well, I did have other options but they would have been rude and might have gotten me arrested.


It is very responsible of Sky to offer recycling options. I would go so far as to say they have a duty to do so. However, if there is no recycling centre near me, and I don't have the appropriate packaging to return their equipment, the Sky store should accept it - per their statement on their own website. Shouldn't they?


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This message was authored by Mister_Dalek This message was authored by: Mister_Dalek

Re: Recycling Sky equipment

@mb11 wrote:

It is very responsible of Sky to offer recycling options. I would go so far as to say they have a duty to do so. However, if there is no recycling centre near me, and I don't have the appropriate packaging to return their equipment, the Sky store should accept it - per their statement on their own website. Shouldn't they?

The Sky Store should have accepted it, as it does state this on the Sky website as you say. 

Unfortunately staff members in these stores are predominantly salespeople and not fully up to date on other aspects of the service Sky offer. 

If I were you I would just find any more or less suitable form of packaging and return it yourself, using one of the freepost Royal Mail labels available on the Sky website here:



Don't worry too much about protecting the equipment - most of it is just stripped down anyway, and Sky+ boxes are no longer refurbished, so even if it were to arrive damaged, the component parts should still be recycled. 

When I returned an old box to Sky I packed out the box with some other random electrical items from my loft that were just taking up space. Hopefully they were able to recycle some of those too. I used some old scrunched up magazines as protection in the box. 


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