Discussion topic: I realised I was on an old relic package .

This message was authored by BladeX This message was authored by: BladeX

I realised I was on an old relic package .

How does sky Q compare to sky+ with the variety pack. Is it worth switching ? I'm on the legacy package currently and didn't realise it was out of the product line now.

 I  want paramount plus on my to tv. I believe you can have this as part of sky movies. And my current package seems expensive as a basic package? I'm also not sure the box I have works sufficiently now.

Any comments appreciated as I can't see a way to ask sky directly



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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: I realised I was on an old relic package .

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

The Variety pack was discontinued around 7 years ago and wouldn't be available if you were to switch to Sky Q. The current package is the Signature pack, which includes at least all the channels in the Variety pack and gives you access to box sets in SD at no additional cost. As Variety is a legacy package, you're paying over the odds for it. The Signature pack would be cheaper. 


Paramount+ is free when you subscribe to Sky Cinema, but on Sky+ boxes you get a cut down version. That's because most of the content runs on an app which Sky+ boxes can't host You would need Sky Q (or Stream) for the full experience.

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: I realised I was on an old relic package .

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@BladeX wrote:

How does sky Q compare to sky+ with the variety pack. Is it worth switching ? I'm on the legacy package currently and didn't realise it was out of the product line now.

 I  want paramount plus on my to tv. I believe you can have this as part of sky movies. And my current package seems expensive as a basic package? I'm also not sure the box I have works sufficiently now.

Any comments appreciated as I can't see a way to ask sky directly


hi @BladeX 


You may be able to switch the latest base package 'Signature' & still use your SKY HD box but that said SKY are extremely keen to get SKY HD users to switch so they may not allow it.


 A lot of Paramount + shows are available as downloads on SKY HD boxes  to those with the SKY Cinema sub. but I think some is only available if you switch - BTW once signed up using SKY Q you can use the app on any device


Many people have found switching off SKY Variety is cheaper, espcially if taking advantage of any discount offers


There are other aspects of the subscription that vary with Signature - SKY Box sets are included (in SD) as standard


Separate to any subscription, you may, also, wish to read some notes I have made for people considering switching from SKY +/HD to SKY Q

SKY +/HD to SKY Q 

Topic Author
This message was authored by BladeX This message was authored by: BladeX

Re: I realised I was on an old relic package .

Thanks for the comments much appreciated 


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