Discussion topic: recently on my stream tv channels 701 701 and 704 i can record/playlist but will not allow to view

This message was authored by ap6 This message was authored by: ap6

recently on my stream tv channels 701 701 and 704 i can record/playlist but will not allow to view

got new TV sky stream package - was always able to record and view on playlist some indian channels like 70 1 UTSAV BHARAT  701  UTSAV PLUS AND 704 SONY -  SINCE last week stopped - meaning shows am recording with tick but am not able to wath recorded programme -  can only watch LIVE programme 

why ? this is not acceptable and considering cancelling or going back to sky Q - any help 



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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: recently on my stream tv channels 701 701 and 704 i can record/playlist but will not allow to v

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Try removing the shows from the playlist and re-adding them from the TV guide and see if that helps.


Also worth noting that only a limited selection of shows are available for Sky to cloud record as it all depends on the legal agreements they have in place.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by ap6 This message was authored by: ap6

Re: recently on my stream tv channels 701 701 and 704 i can record/playlist but will not allow to v

tried and still does not work - only solution if does not work than cancel contract


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