Discussion topic: puck needs to be disconnected at least 1 a day

This message was authored by mike+howard+B This message was authored by: mike+howard+B

puck needs to be disconnected at least 1 a day

puk needs reboot at lest 1 a day?🙄 getting a bit fed up😥 got a few of them


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This message was authored by Mr+Flibbles+86 This message was authored by: Mr+Flibbles+86

Re: puck needs to be disconnected at least 1 a day

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi there, I’ve escalated your post to our Community Messaging team who will invite you to a private chat shortly and help you with this. 

Just look out for the colourful bubble to start the conversation.

Here's more information on how Community Messaging works - https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Did-you-know/Escalating-a-post-to-a-Sky-expert/ba-p/3711147

This message was authored by Glen01 This message was authored by: Glen01

Re: puck needs to be disconnected at least 1 a day

I'm having the same issue, having to disconnect every day as the picture pixelates. Becoming very boring. It started occasionally but now every day. Any tips as to how to resolve this problem?


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