Discussion topic: find out when my contract ends

This message was authored by dino9898 This message was authored by: dino9898

find out when my contract ends

Hi may seem like a dumb question but I can not find out when my current sky stream and the associated different packages ends. Dont even remember if im on 31 day rolling contract or 18 month. Checking contracts in "my messages" it does not tell me anything about start and end date of my contract. I switched from Q to Stream in August 2024 - and thinking of cancelling stream all together. Any pointers on this would be apprecaited thanks

Best Answers
This message was authored by AndrewF_UK This message was authored by: AndrewF_UK Answer

Re: find out when my contract ends

That's right, you're in a 2 year contract.


When signing up there is a 31 day option, but it costs more money so maybe at the time you opted for the cheaper 2 year plan.


If you think that's wrong, I'd recommend calling Sky to see if they can adjust for you - you never know!

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Sky Stream customer. Past user of Sky Digital, Sky+, Sky+ HD and Sky Q. 3x pucks. Main TV is an LG OLED with Sonos Beam.

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