Discussion topic: Why is my Sky Stream 24 Seconds behind my friend in Cambridge

This message was authored by Mike176 This message was authored by: Mike176

Why is my Sky Stream 24 Seconds behind my friend in Cambridge

I live in Colchester and on my Sky Stream I'm 24 Seconds behind her Sky ?


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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Why is my Sky Stream 24 Seconds behind my friend in Cambridge

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

 Certainly can happen. The speed and quality of your internet connection will have an affect on the streaming lag.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by Mike176 This message was authored by: Mike176

Re: Why is my Sky Stream 24 Seconds behind my friend in Cambridge

It's not very good then if I'm entering competitions etc

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Why is my Sky Stream 24 Seconds behind my friend in Cambridge

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

It's the same for all streaming platforms and isnt unique to Sky due to the way the internet works. For example if you are watching a live stream on youtube and have the chat up its possible to notice people commenting on things you may not have seen yet due to your lag causing you to be several seconds behind.



Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by Mike176 This message was authored by: Mike176

Re: Why is my Sky Stream 24 Seconds behind my friend in Cambridge

Several seconds I can except. 

Half a minute , I can't 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Why is my Sky Stream 24 Seconds behind my friend in Cambridge

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mike176 wrote:

I live in Colchester and on my Sky Stream I'm 24 Seconds behind her Sky ?

As I said that's the nature of streaming - I've seen people a minute or two behind a live stream before.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by Chrisee This message was authored by: Chrisee

Re: Why is my Sky Stream 24 Seconds behind my friend in Cambridge

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mike176 the main issue with the delay between Stream and Sky Q for most people is with live sport. Sky are currently testing reducing the delay by 20 seconds on their live Sports channels. There are two test feeds of the Sky Sports Main Event channel which will in due course replace the channel on 401 but in the meantime you can watch them on 921 and 922 for the UHD and HD versions. In due course all of the Sky Sports channels will switch to this low latency version.

65inch Sky Glass, 3 Sky Streaming Pucks, Sky Ultrafast + and Sky SR213(white Wifi Max hub) main Wifi from 3 TP-Link Deco M4 units in access point mode
Topic Author
This message was authored by Mike176 This message was authored by: Mike176

Re: Why is my Sky Stream 24 Seconds behind my friend in Cambridge

So how can I get Tv that is on the correct time

This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Why is my Sky Stream 24 Seconds behind my friend in Cambridge

Currently you can't with Streaming TV ... research in reducing delay is ongoing ... Streaming TV isn't live😉


Use DTT tv if you require minimal delay ... DSat tv is next best🤔

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Why is my Sky Stream 24 Seconds behind my friend in Cambridge

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



No digital service is 'on the correct time'.


The closest to real life is 'live' FM radio (a 90 year old technology) : everything else involves processing, typically in multiple places, and so lags behind reality.  That's just an inescapable feature of modern life.


See this article on the implications of streaming for sport consumption (but ignore the over-optimistic timescale ; )



* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2

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