Discussion topic: Why does sky stream freeze one obe box but is ok on a 2nd box

This message was authored by dyordlo This message was authored by: dyordlo

Why does sky stream freeze one obe box but is ok on a 2nd box

I watch one channel for an hour and try change channels but all my boxsays is trying to load program. My second d box is fine - Why


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This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Why does sky stream freeze one obe box but is ok on a 2nd box

If the boxes are connected by wifi ... one box has a good connection the other does not .... check the connection to the internet on each box using the Netflix Network check on each Puck😉

This message was authored by Dawn1970 This message was authored by: Dawn1970

Re: Why does sky stream freeze one obe box but is ok on a 2nd box

Why does my box keep turning itself off and then loads back up and the program I'm watching is almost like it's lip syncing.


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