Discussion topic: Unhappy with sky stream

This message was authored by Rich46 This message was authored by: Rich46

Unhappy with sky stream

I am extremely unhappy with sky stream. I phone sky in December as I was returning to a old property. All I wanted to do is restart sky Q. A sky employee talked me into getting sky stream. I raised concerns about wanting to record and fast forward ect. I was assured that there would be no issues because I can just add series to a playlist. I've tried to add programmes like The simpsons, family guy and American Dad ...turns out I have to subscribe to Disney to be able to watch these. Several other programmes I want to add to my series and you have to register for BBC I player or more 4, it just redirects you to streaming apps. I was told I can fast forward on programmes and it tells me I need to upgrade to have this feature. I feel I've been completely conned and miss sold this utter rubbish when I just wanted sky Q setting up. Why the sky employee felt the need to relentlessly sell this to me and push me away from sky Q I don't know. Extremely unhappy would not advise anyone to sign up to this awful service. Will be calling up and I expect to be switched to sky Q free off charge with no extra cost on my bill!

All Replies

This message was authored by Jones_The_Cat This message was authored by: Jones_The_Cat

Re: Unhappy with sky stream


Sky are trying to get as many people as possible onto their streaming service and unfortunately it sounds like you've possibly been a victim of the hard sell. 

It should be fine to switch back to Sky Q - many customers are still doing it if they don't like or can't get a fast or stable enough broadband service for Stream. 

Be aware that Sky Q and the whole Sky satellite TV service is highly likely to become obsolete in the next 5 years so there will be a switch to (a hopefully better) streaming product in the future. 

Give Sky a ring and be polite but firm. They should be able to arrange the installation of Sky Q and a cancellation of Sky Stream. Subscription costs will need to be negotiated. 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Unhappy with sky stream

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

If you are within the first 31 days of the contract there will be absolutely no issue switching over to Sky Q however i wouldn't be expecting the monthly price to stay the same and the pricing structure and deals offered between Sky Streaming platform and Sky Q do vary.


ultimately the skys streaming platform does fundamentally work but it won't be suited to everyone. If you are used to predominantly using streaming services then the switch to it isn't an issue but for those who traditionally record from the linear channels to watch content as they wish, they may perhaps struggle more with the switch over to it.


yes the technology is still in it's infancy but it will only get better as time goes by. Personally I love the sky streaming platform and would never go back to a Sky q type platform and I know I'm not the only customer on this forum who shares this opinion.


as pointed out you have been persuade by the hard sell which isn't exactly uncommon for any sales people in any industry. Ultimately before agreeing to a purchase you need to ensure you have done your research and fully understand what you are agreeing to. It's easy enough to tell a salesperson that you need some time to think about it and then hang-up/walk away to go and do further research.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by Mrlister This message was authored by: Mrlister

Re: Unhappy with sky stream

We just signed up to sky..


I made it clear we use to record TV when I spoke to Sky while signing up.. as I was moving over from Virgin. The pucks are fine, but not what I was expecting, considering I said we record in both rooms. (Two virgin boxes).

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Unhappy with sky stream

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mrlister wrote:

We just signed up to sky..


I made it clear we use to record TV when I spoke to Sky while signing up.. as I was moving over from Virgin. The pucks are fine, but not what I was expecting, considering I said we record in both rooms. (Two virgin boxes).

See the post immediately before yours. You have a 31 days cooling off period.

This message was authored by Padam_Padam This message was authored by: Padam_Padam

Re: Unhappy with sky stream

@Mrlister wrote:

We just signed up to sky..


I made it clear we use to record TV when I spoke to Sky while signing up.. as I was moving over from Virgin. The pucks are fine, but not what I was expecting, considering I said we record in both rooms. (Two virgin boxes).

When it comes to technology it's always wise to do your own independent research before purchasing or signing up to a service. Salespeople should never be trusted or relied upon, from any company, because all they care about is making a sale, not about whether the product is right for any particular customer. 

If recording is important to you and you are willing and able to have a satellite dish on your property, then you'd be better off with Sky Q. It's a more traditional type of hard-drive based recording service which will still be around for a few more years before streaming takes over completely.  


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