12 Jan 2025 08:39 PM
My TV stream keeps freezing and/or the sound stops working.
I have done both the broadband and WiFi checks and have reset the Sky Puck
13 Jan 2025 12:42 AM
You try a Restart before using Reset🤔
Resets can cause issues which require Sky's assistance to recovery😉
13 Jan 2025 06:53 AM - last edited: 13 Jan 2025 07:59 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreWhat do you mean by reset?
Its not advisable in settings to action the reset option, unless Sky have asked you to.
Try doing a restart of the puck from the restart option in settings;
Go to Settings>Systems Management>Resets & Updates
Select Restart device
Your Sky Stream puck will perform a reboot. It will take a few minutes to complete.
Having good broadband is key to Sky Stream.
Not just broadband speed to your house and router, but for your local network supply via wifi or ethernet, that can be affected in a busy household.
Best way to test is via a network speed test on each of your Pucks.
Launch Netflix on your pucks (you do not need to be logged into it, if you do not use netflix) and scroll down the left menu to Get help.
Choose Check Network.
Would suggest running the test a few times, over say a half hour period during tests.
What is your speed for each puck?
Also, it may be suffering from interference,, the puck much like a Sky Q box can for some customers suffer from this at times. More often seen as an intermittent blip.
Not always a cure, but the following may help to resolve;
Make sure you have a good 6-8 inches free on all sides of the puck.
Do not stack the puck on top of any other device.
Best not to sit it on a glass shelf. Wood is generally the best.
Make sure the puck is in the open, not tucked away in a cabinet or sat directly behind the TV.
Make sure you have no other devices that can cause interference closeby, like cordless phones, radiators, baby monitors, microwaves and the like.
You should be using the Sky supplied hdmi cable or a high speed equivalent one.
Plus, change both your pucks to following recommended settings set in Settings>
Turn wifi OFF under Network if connected via ethernet.
Set Network standby mode to ON and Overnight power saving is OFF.
More information like the above on the Sky FAQ help pages like here from page three;