01 Jun 2024 12:38 AM
Hi all.
I made triple certain that I set my playlist for today's motogp stream ( which is showing as series added), but when I came in this evening there was nothing on my playlist or on the manage all playlists.
I'm absolutely 100% certain that I set it correctly but nothing in there.
I've turned off at the wall, but still nothing.
So very disappointed as i never missed it when we had sky Q.
Any ideas, aside of having to wait while this is sorted out.
Just one thought, I don't actually know for certain if it was shown or not, maybe TNT had a problem, .....but it was on most of the day so unlikely.
01 Jun 2024 01:11 AM
Found the tnt content on discovery + but it says on sign in page that you have to wait 24hrs for content from tnt to show on discovery, which is strange because I can see it on there, but it won't play.
02 Jun 2024 06:45 PM
Sky forum admins.
When are going to sort out this playlist not ' recording' software fault???????
Another day of my TNT playlist not showing.
I'm paying £30 a month for missing most of my favourite sport.
We need an answer and a resolution ASAP!!!!
03 Jun 2024 07:17 AM
Have you reported your concern to Discovery+?
03 Jun 2024 09:55 AM
Oh yes!!!
03 Jun 2024 11:10 AM
Good ... Sky can't do anything until Discovery+ makes the content available and supplies the supporting metadata to Sky😉
03 Jun 2024 11:27 AM
Oh.....I didn't know it worked like that. 🤷♂️
06 Jul 2024 10:19 PM
Could you explain how this works.
Just to be clear, the problem isn't that my playlist doesn't 'record and store', it's just that sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.
For example, none of Friday's motogp sessions on tnt3 showing , and some of Saturday's missing too???
Who else can I complain to, I've spoken to sky and they don't really seem to have a clue.
06 Jul 2024 10:29 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreNot everything cloud records, Sky do not necessarily have all the legal agreements to create a cloud recording of every show someone playlists. However if a show doesn't cloud record, the playlist should instead link to the on-demand version from the relevant broadcasters catch-up app, in this case Discovery +.
For on-demand apps, the Sky playlist has integrations with the various apps and users certain metadata attached to shows in order for the show/episode or sporting match/event. Sometimes when content is uploaded to on-demand apps the metadata is incorrect, or missing which leads to things not appearing on the playlist, or appearing under the wrong Year/Season category on the shows page on the playlist or appearing on the playlist several hours/days later once the metadata is added or corrected.
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06 Jul 2024 10:56 PM
Hi Mark, and thankyou for taking the trouble to explain this.
It seems so complicated, and it must be, as I've spoken to sky on several occasions and they don't seems to be able to explain what you've just explained.
You're correct, as the program's missing off my playlist are all on discovery +, which would be fine if it was easy to use, but it's not. I normally skip through some of the content as there is some woffle, and adverts of course. But when fast forwarding or rewinding, you can't do it while watching the program, you have to wind it forward, say, 2 minutes and guess where you are in the content.
I appreciate that discovery + is free with TNT Sports but really it's not what a lot of people, including myself, are paying extra for.
Thanks again, and at least it has made it clearer to understand why it's so hit and miss.
Maybe BT might be better than sky as i need to be able to 'record' it to watch later??
07 Jul 2024 09:40 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@Goldwheels wrote:Hi Mark, and thankyou for taking the trouble to explain this.
It seems so complicated, and it must be, as I've spoken to sky on several occasions and they don't seems to be able to explain what you've just explained.
You're correct, as the program's missing off my playlist are all on discovery +, which would be fine if it was easy to use, but it's not. I normally skip through some of the content as there is some woffle, and adverts of course. But when fast forwarding or rewinding, you can't do it while watching the program, you have to wind it forward, say, 2 minutes and guess where you are in the content.
I appreciate that discovery + is free with TNT Sports but really it's not what a lot of people, including myself, are paying extra for.
Thanks again, and at least it has made it clearer to understand why it's so hit and miss.
Maybe BT might be better than sky as i need to be able to 'record' it to watch later??
I completely agree. The way discovery + sports shows work with the playlist can be problematic. Some sports are fine but ones where Sky don't cloud record I also have the same issue and end up having to watch via discovery + on demand and the UI I'd rather awful. I know people have complaints with the fast forwarding on Sky through Sky on-demand shows or cloud recording but the fast forwarding system on the discovery + app is absolutely terrible.
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