Discussion topic: Sky stream

This message was authored by Iona2000 This message was authored by: Iona2000

Sky stream

My sky stream keeps freezing and saying its a technological issue has anyone had this problem 


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This message was authored by Jones_The_Cat This message was authored by: Jones_The_Cat

Re: Sky stream

@Iona2000 wrote:

My sky stream keeps freezing and saying its a technological issue has anyone had this problem 

This is always usually related to your broadband speed. 

Is your puck connected via WiFi? Is it possible to connect with ethernet to your router?

What broadband speed is the puck receiving? To find out, open the Netflix app, navigate to the get help section and run a network check. Report back with the result. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Iona2000 This message was authored by: Iona2000

Re: Sky stream

It's currently through virgin media WiFi as I'm waiting for sky broadband to be connected next week 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Sky stream

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@Iona2000 wrote:

It's currently through virgin media WiFi as I'm waiting for sky broadband to be connected next week 

@Iona2000 as its connected via WiFI the best thing to try is to connect via ethernet to the router, and in the Sky Stream puck settings, ensure that the wifi option is set to disabled. Once you disable the WiFi in settings it always best to reboot the puck by unplugging it for a couple of minutes. If you don't disable Wifi in the settings it will keep switching over from ethernet to Wifi and likely will continue to cause issues.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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