Discussion topic: Sky puk keeps disconnecting from network even though it’s connected via Ethernet cable not wifi

This message was authored by Steve253 This message was authored by: Steve253

Sky puk keeps disconnecting from network even though it’s connected via Ethernet cable not wifi

Our sky puk is connected via Ethernet connection not WiFi but keeps saying it's lost internet connection and we know there's no issues with our broadband or router 


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This message was authored by CoffeeDrinker This message was authored by: CoffeeDrinker

Re: Sky puk keeps disconnecting from network even though it’s connected via Ethernet cable not wifi

If your puck is connected via Ethernet, have you tried turning WiFi off on the puck? (To be absolutely sure the puck isn't using WiFi instead of Ethernet)



Sky Glass & Stream Puck customer w/Sky Entertainments & Netflix, Sky Cinema, Whole Home & UHD/Dolby Atmos add-on.
This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Sky puk keeps disconnecting from network even though it’s connected via Ethernet cable not wifi

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@CoffeeDrinker wrote:

If your puck is connected via Ethernet, have you tried turning WiFi off on the puck? (To be absolutely sure the puck isn't using WiFi instead of Ethernet)



Also worth rebooting the puck by unplugging it for a minute once you disable the WiFi to ensure the setting takes affect.


The puck will default to WiFi if it's enabled even if an Ethernet cable is plugged in for some reason.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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