Discussion topic: Sky puck

This message was authored by Toni40 This message was authored by: Toni40

Sky puck

Good afternoon, 

Please could you help me, my son accidentally threw away the box containing our new sky stream box and remote (thought the box was empty and for recycling.. and the bin men took the bin before I realised! I obviously now can't access our sky services that have been activated as from today. How do I get a new box and remote please?


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This message was authored by Padam_Padam This message was authored by: Padam_Padam

Re: Sky puck

@Toni40 wrote:

Good afternoon, 

Please could you help me, my son accidentally threw away the box containing our new sky stream box and remote (thought the box was empty and for recycling.. and the bin men took the bin before I realised! I obviously now can't access our sky services that have been activated as from today. How do I get a new box and remote please?

You'll need to ring Sky and explain, but they'll probably charge you for the loss of the first puck. 

The current charge for non-return of a Stream puck appears to be £45:




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