23 Jan 2025 07:22 PM
Just as I thought that all of the issues with SS were out in the open, this new bad boy presents itself this evening.
Stuck on this morning broadcasts and will not budge!
Please don't ask if I have rebooted, reset manufacter setting, swapped with another device, rebooted my router, ONT, switch, changed the ethernet cable, hit it with a mallet, threatened it, etc. I've done all there is to do. And they have the latest firmware.
24 Jan 2025 10:39 AM
@Lord+Hillier You didn't mention replacing the batteries in the remote.🤭
Just to be clear is it stuck on that screen you photographed. Also how did you get to that part of the menu as you would have to scroll down to that. At the risk of being irritating does a voice search work. I know these things are very frustrating but remember we are only users like yourself just trying to help and the more details the better.
25 Jan 2025
01:03 PM
- last edited:
27 Jan 2025
10:07 AM
Hi Stephen
Batteries; yes! 🤣
What happened is that we were watching in the morning enjoying the usual lipsync issue watching BBC Breakfast.
TV was switched off as we left for work; this action normally triggers the HDMI CEC.
Came home; switched on the main TV and it remained hanging (removed), depite powerdown, software reset etc. This is connected directly to the routrer via Cat6a.
Checked Kitchen, (wifi), same issue although time on the screen was the night before.
Network performace is excellent; even wifi to device is 850mbps, DS, 83mbps US, PING 3ms, PING underload 19ms. These network stats were taken while my Son was gaming too, Series X.
This morning I have taken the whole network down, by passed the Sky Router, (Sky Max Hub), by passed the 4 Sky Max Pods, hard reset the pucks and brought them back on line one by one. Problem solved!
It's early days, but the lipsync issue is night and day better using Dolby Atmos setting avoiding PCM.
I am trying to find the tech specs for the pucks; I'm now starting to think that the issues (not all), are router side, not puck side.
Moved Sky network to Ubiquiti Unifi platform and using the Openreach ONT via Cat6a directly to the Unfi box and three AP's up and downstairs on AP on each floor.
The mesh from the Sky platform was a mess, LanScan (for Mac, iWaxx), was showing channel clashses and co-channel interference, changimg channels etc. had no positive effect.
The plot thickens, but if the current performance stays stable I'll be rasing this with Sky as the ISP issued hardware is useless in my case.
MODERATOR NOTE: Inappropriate content removed.
25 Jan 2025 09:01 PM
I get this one quite a lot, but I usually find if I just tune to a channel, the guide will be correct when I re-open it.