14 Jan 2025 04:53 PM
It seems our Sky Stream (connected over EE WiFi with 65 Mbs) has a mind of its own and doesn't like ITV and / or Deal or No Deal as, every day at around 16:30, we get the "Please wait while programme loads" message followed by blue screen and it insists there's no internet connection. Switching off, waiting 20 seconds and back on normally fixes this and my phone etc maintains WiFi throughout so it's NOT a WiFi issue. Any ideas as to why this happens and how to fix it would be appreciated. Thanks. John
15 Jan 2025 07:41 AM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more@Jonnytwodogs unless your phone is in thecsame position as the puck it could be a WiFi issue which can be localised and unkike streaming devices phones are not affected by a short burst of interference . It is incredibly unlikely your puck would lose connection at the sametime every day equipment faults do not follow a time schedule.
I would check for some other event that may cause an issue near the puck. There are many things that can cause WiFi blips like a timeswitch that causes a spark or a slight leakage from a microwave oven but the list of potential,causes is pretty long.
15 Jan 2025 01:42 PM
Thanks Chrisee - I'll monitor the situation but normally my phone is with me and only about 4-5 metres from the puck.
15 Jan 2025 02:39 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreIf it helps, I often for stability questions on here with Sky Stream/Glass, have a list of possible causes of a similar nature to yours, see below;
In addition, a few weeks back I helped someone who had interference problems and moved a fair bit of equipment that was close to their Sky Stream puck that may have caused interference.
It all seemed fine, but I did mention to keep some of their kit a bit further away from the puck than they had.
Until, just as I was leaving I noticed they placed back one of those Smart meter portable terminals that can show you your usage, placing it very close to the puck.
Guess what as soon as they did that, the Sky Stream puck dropped its connection.
Quzzing them, they said, 'oh sorry', they moved that earlier so it made it easier to get to the Sky Stream puck and forget to mention it to me and for me to think about during my check.
I made them move it a lot further away.
I have since asked them a few times and they have had no further issues with their puck.
Not saying it's one of those, but here is my stability list I often present on here with as I said above, for similar interference type problems;
Having good broadband is key to Sky Stream.
Not just broadband speed to your house and router, but for your local network supply via wifi or ethernet, that can be affected in a busy household.
Best way to test is via a network speed test on each of your Pucks.
Launch Netflix on your pucks (you do not need to be logged into it, if you do not use netflix) and scroll down the left menu to Get help.
Choose Check Network.
Would suggest running the test a few times, over say a half hour period during tests.
What is your speed for each puck?
Also, it may be suffering from interference,, the puck much like a Sky Q box can for some customers suffer from this at times. More often seen as an intermittent blip.
Not always a cure, but the following may help to resolve;
Make sure you have a good 6-8 inches free on all sides of the puck.
Do not stack the puck on top of any other device.
Best not to sit it on a glass shelf. Wood is generally the best.
Make sure the puck is in the open, not tucked away in a cabinet or sat directly behind the TV.
Make sure you have no other devices that can cause interference closeby, like cordless phones, radiators, baby monitors, microwaves and the like.
You should be using the Sky supplied hdmi cable or a high speed equivalent one.
Plus, change both your pucks to following recommended settings set in Settings>
Turn wifi OFF under Network if connected via ethernet.
Set Network standby mode to ON and Overnight power saving is OFF.
More information like the above on the Sky FAQ help pages like here from page two;
16 Jan 2025 10:30 AM
Thanks lettice - much appreciated. Switched off our smart meter readout yesterday as you suggested (in fact I find them next to useless in any case) and so far no blips with Sky Stream. Fingers crossed.