Discussion topic: Sky Stream - Remote won’t turn on any of my pucks!


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This message was authored by G+Champion This message was authored by: G+Champion

Re: Sky Stream - Remote won’t turn on any of my pucks!

Ok an update.


Three pucks all uncontrollable via BT on the remotes. Ordered one remote on Saturday as one of the three didnt light up or respond. Was dead, tried new batts etc etc....


New one arrives today. Paired it to the puck, checked and set for BT using 1 and 3 via puck. I had been using an old Sky Q remote meanwhile.


Guess what, pinging the puck shows it asleep, however the new remote wakes it up, screen comes on via CEC and off we go. The old remote as supplied couldnt wake the puck up via BT at all.


So as others have said, I think I can confirm the issue is with dodgy remotes, not the puck itsself.

This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Sky stream puck not powering up.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@GaryWarne   I have merged your post to this existing thread that is discussing the same issue, a new thread isn't required.

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
Please note I only provide help on the main forums and not via PM, PM's are switched off.

Samsung 75" 4K TV, Sky Glass Gen 2 55", Sky Stream, VM 1 Gig Broadband, Sony 7.1 AV Receiver, Technisat MultiSat receiver.
This message was authored by Mike211 This message was authored by: Mike211

Re: Sky Stream - Remote won’t turn on any of my pucks!

I have 4 pucks. 


3 are IP04... and all work perfectly.


1 is IP06.... firstly remote didn't work at all so sky sent a new remote. This works but will not turn on puck. This puck also is not keeping the network alive during sleep even though that option is selected.

This message was authored by Ian131 This message was authored by: Ian131

Re: Sky Stream - Remote won’t turn on any of my pucks!

Had a couple of calls with Sky this morning - first one hopeless then got Rachael who was excellent and listened to the issue and tried to find a solution - hopefully successful!  What we did was swap over the remote controls and used the one that was working on one of the IP04 pucks with the IP06 puck and vice versa.  So far so good - previously it lost contact with the puck after about 5 minutes and would not switch on but has lasted a couple of hours this time.  Maybe worth a try for those with both working IP04 and not working IP06

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Sky Stream - Remote won’t turn on any of my pucks!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@S+A+Samson  There have been posts suggesting that the remote will not work in bluetooth mode but will if it is in IR mode.  By pressing 4&6 together you have put the remote into IR which is probably why it is now working for you.  Unfortunately in IR mode you will not have voice control through the remote but it is a good option whilst Sky get the matter resolved.  I know they are working hard for a solution.

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This message was authored by Ian131 This message was authored by: Ian131

Re: Sky Stream - Remote won’t turn on any of my pucks!

Update - clearly my understanding was not so good!  Switching over remotes did not do any good at all but what Sky did and I did not realise was to put the IP06 into infra red mode (hence needing to point directly).  Tried to reset using 1 and 3 buttons this morning but does not recognise so staying in infra red mode - hopefully sky will come up with a solution soon.  Thanks to others for their help and my education!

This message was authored by mollygirl This message was authored by: mollygirl

Re: Sky Stream - Remote won’t turn on any of my pucks!

  • My 2 pucks are also IP06 so if we're all having the same problem with this batch that should direct Sky in the right direction 
Topic Author
This message was authored by SleeRoy This message was authored by: SleeRoy

Re: Sky Stream - Remote won’t turn on any of my pucks!

I believe that they are very close to a fix, it looks like the root cause is remote control firmware issues. 

This message was authored by highr This message was authored by: highr

Re: Sky Stream - Remote won’t turn on any of my pucks!

@SleeRoy wrote:

I believe that they are very close to a fix, it looks like the root cause is remote control firmware issues. 

How do you update the firmware on remotes?

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Sky Stream - Remote won’t turn on any of my pucks!

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


@highr wrote:

@SleeRoy wrote:

I believe that they are very close to a fix, it looks like the root cause is remote control firmware issues. 

How do you update the firmware on remotes?

@highr  Updating remote firmware is not something a user can do.  If it is necessary Sky will do it from their end 😀

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This message was authored by G+Champion This message was authored by: G+Champion

Re: Sky Stream - Remote won’t turn on any of my pucks!



The new remote sent yesterday that does work on one of the three pucks (All IP06 serials) has the same firmware 5103.4.2 as the other two that don't work properly via Bluetooth, e.g. Will not wake the device from sleep via BT. IR is all very well, but its not much use if the puck is designed to sit discretly behind a TV or cabinet, plus voice search doesnt work.


So if they all have the same remote control firmware, I don't see what the difference is software wise. Has to be the hardware of the remote then? Maybe Sky have changed the Remote Control device HW then and now need to update the firmware to make the new hardware behave as it should?


Speculation on my part as there isnt much detail around any of this from Sky.

This message was authored by Kempston This message was authored by: Kempston

Re: Sky Stream - Remote won’t turn on any of my pucks!

I wonder if it might be worth someone for who it doesn't work at all picking up an old, second hand Sky Glass/Stream remote on eBay and see if it works.


My puck is in line of sight on the shelving unit next to the TV, so I'm content to use IR to wake it from standby given that Bluetooth works for everything else.

This message was authored by Mike211 This message was authored by: Mike211

Re: Sky Stream - Remote won’t turn on any of my pucks!

The remotes from my IP04 units can't wake the IP06 unit when paired in BT mode.

This message was authored by Kempston This message was authored by: Kempston

Re: Sky Stream - Remote won’t turn on any of my pucks!

Also, my replacement puck is IP06 and that works waking from IR when the remote is paired via BT.

This message was authored by Kempston This message was authored by: Kempston

Re: Sky Stream - Remote won’t turn on any of my pucks!

@Mike211 what model number is your older remote? Both of mine are LC103-ant.


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