Discussion topic: Sky Showcase -need to upgrade subscription

This message was authored by JohnArr This message was authored by: JohnArr

Sky Showcase -need to upgrade subscription

Hi. I have sky stream and just started watching a film on sky showcase, but it wouldn't let me start from the beginning without upgrading. Is this right? I am beginning to feel that sky stream is limited on what you can do. I am paying a lot more than my old BT and I can't even record anything either. 


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This message was authored by Sally_Sparrow This message was authored by: Sally_Sparrow

Re: Sky Showcase -need to upgrade subscription

@JohnArr wrote:

Hi. I have sky stream and just started watching a film on sky showcase, but it wouldn't let me start from the beginning without upgrading. Is this right? I am beginning to feel that sky stream is limited on what you can do. I am paying a lot more than my old BT and I can't even record anything either. 

Sky Showcase is just that - a showcase of stuff that you have to pay to subscribe to watch at any time other than live. 
It's one of the many ways Sky Stream attempts to get more money out of you. Fine if you can afford it, but its definitely not the same as a hard drive based recording service like BT TV Pro or Sky Q. 
You can cancel without penalty within 31 days of activation if you don't like Stream. 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Sky Showcase -need to upgrade subscription

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Sky showcase is essentially a channel designed to get people to subscribe to the other Sky packs e.g cinema and sport. You can't playlist films from sky showcase as it playlists them from sky cinema as the film belongs to the sky cinema pack. The only way to watch it "not live" on sky showcase is to subscribe to sky cinema, or in the case of sports on sky showcase to Sky sports pack.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Sky Showcase -need to upgrade subscription

Sky Showcase is a live watch channel there is no on-demand or catch-up for Sky Showcase😉


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