Discussion topic: Remote not working

This message was authored by JanieD001 This message was authored by: JanieD001

Remote not working

TV is not working with sky remote. The sky remote is a sealed unit, so no access to batteries! Please help.

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This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Remote not working

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@JanieD001 wrote:
TV is not working with sky remote. The sky remote is a sealed unit, so no access to batteries! Please help.

This cannot be true, AFAIK ALL Sky remotes use replaceable batteries


Which Sky System do you have?


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This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Remote not working

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@JanieD001  If you have a Sky Glass/Stream remote, which it sounds like you have, please see the steps here to access the batteries.



Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
Please note I only provide help on the main forums and not via PM, PM's are switched off.

Samsung 75" 4K TV, Sky Glass Gen 2 55", Sky Stream, VM 1 Gig Broadband, Sony 7.1 AV Receiver, Technisat MultiSat receiver.
This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Remote not working

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@JanieD001It is certainly not a sealed unit but removing the back of the remote can be a problem the first couple of times as it it very stiff. 


I find holding the remote at both ends with the buttons down and my thumbs on top and then applying pressure and pushing with one thumb and pulling with the other in the direction of the arrow is sufficient to remove the cover. Note the back only moves a few millimetres and can then be lifted off. 


A number of people have found that wearing rubber kitchen gloves helps to give more purchase on the plastic components.


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