Discussion topic: Puck - Flashing White Light

This message was authored by ScoobyDrewUK This message was authored by: ScoobyDrewUK

Puck - Flashing White Light


I probably know the answer to this but thought I'd ask anyway. 

My Stream Puck won't turn on (no lights at all)


On reboot the puck light goes white (solid) and then flashes and then displays no light. 


No signal to the tv at all 


TV and HDMI cable tested fine 


This has been the case for 2 days, so any signs it could be a firmware update (which I have been it could be) are definitely out the window. 


Have followed Skys steps, and ridiculously after a few questions, ive been asked to check the software version. I mean, come on 

These pucks are so flakey. Once a week they error in some fashion. Wish I could go back to Sky Q. 

Any further advice before I call tomorrow and get told to switch it off and back on again?


Thanks in advance for your support.