14 Jan 2025 12:43 PM
Currently we have sky q. My wife records programmes, views and fast forwards during ad breaks etc.
We want to move to Stream but can't record. There are playlists instead. Is it possible to fast forward?
14 Jan 2025 12:49 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@WJT wrote:
Currently we have sky q. My wife records programmes, views and fast forwards during ad breaks etc.
We want to move to Stream but can't record. There are playlists instead. Is it possible to fast forward?
You will need the ad skipping add on to be able to fast forward ads https://www.sky.com/help/home/sky-tv/sky-tv-stream/sky-stream-faqs/articles/sky-stream-faqs
14 Jan 2025 01:51 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@WJT wrote:
Is it possible to fast forward?
Yes, but unfortunately it's glitchier than playback from a local hard drive.
14 Jan 2025 04:17 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@TimmyBGood wrote:
@WJT wrote:
Is it possible to fast forward?
Yes, but unfortunately it's glitchier than playback from a local hard drive.
The experience differs widely depending on where the show is being played-back from. For example the fast forwarding experience differs quite a bit on ITV X than compared to the C4 app on even Sky's own on-demand content ( which has a nice skip ads buttons to save from the fast forwarding).
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14 Jan 2025 04:53 PM
@WJT wrote:Currently we have sky q. My wife records programmes, views and fast forwards during ad breaks etc.
We want to move to Stream but can't record. There are playlists instead. Is it possible to fast forward?
Unless you have a legitimate reason for wanting to switch to Sky Stream (ie wanting 4K on multiple TVs in your home) then there's not really much point in ditching Sky Q just yet. If it works for you and your wife then stick with it, particularly if recording and the ability to fast forward with ease is an important factor in how you watch TV.
Sky Stream works well for some but can be infuriating for others.