Discussion topic: Playlist issues

This message was authored by Liz194 This message was authored by: Liz194

Playlist issues

Playlist seems to only add programmes when it feels like it!  There is a list of past programmes but the current week is not always there. Sometimes it appears when first added but half an hour later it has disappeared. Any suggestions to solve this would be welcome.  Help says turn puck off at wall but this makes no difference.


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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Playlist issues

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

What show?


This can happen as there is typically a delay between shows being available ( and having the correct metadata) on catch up services. ITV X shows are a good example where it can take anywhere from minutes to days for shows to appear on the Sky playlist due to them having the missing metadata.


Typcially when a show is live it appears on the playlist then it will disappear until the show is made available on the relevant on-demand app (unless Sky had the rights to cloud record the show) and when the show is uploaded on the on-demand app it requires the necessary metadata (season/episode tag et ) correctly labelled so it can be picked up correctly by Sky.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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