Discussion topic: Pixelation

This message was authored by GeoffG42 This message was authored by: GeoffG42


Fairly recent Sky and all has been going well until recently. Over the past few weeks we keep getting pixelation at random times, after which the picture freezes and we have to turn off/reboot. We have been resetting the puck, turning off TV and puck and eventually having to turn off the WiFi. Why do we have to keep doing this at least once a week? Should we be asking for equipment to be exchanged?


All Replies

This message was authored by Veii This message was authored by: Veii

Re: Pixelation

Definitely try new equipment. If that doesn't work then your current setup doesn't work very well for Sky Stream (it's very sensitive to WiFi stability and different kinds of interference) and you may need something else. 

This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Pixelation

@GeoffG42  Who is your ISP?

Topic Author
This message was authored by GeoffG42 This message was authored by: GeoffG42

Re: Pixelation

Sky are my providers through overhead cable from telegraph pole.


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