Discussion topic: New sky puck no sound

This message was authored by DUCADUCADUC This message was authored by: DUCADUCADUC

New sky puck no sound


just setup sky stream and I have no sound! Normal tv sound is as it should be, just nothing with the puck sound wise.

picture quality is good- possibly I gave up too early when doing the device setup. Can the puck be reset to factory settings?


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This message was authored by CoffeeDrinker This message was authored by: CoffeeDrinker

Re: New sky puck no sound

@DUCADUCADUC It could be that your TV/sound system doesn't like the default Dolby Digital Plus sound format the puck uses. 


Try going to Settings at the bottom of the Home Screen > Picture & sound > Sound


Try setting the output format to Dolby Digital (not Dolby Digital Plus) and see if the sound starts working with that. If not, try changing the output format to PCM Stereo.


If you're still not getting sound at this point, it could be a fault with the puck itself. Try the above first and let us know the result.

Sky Glass & Streak Puck customer w/Sky Entertainments & Netflix, Sky Cinema, Whole Home & UHD/Dolby Atmos add-on.

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